reply to post by network dude
LOL, I used to probe my uncle, 33degree, till he would get agitated. I would ask questions and he would simply smile and when I hit a nerve he would
get aggravated and steer me to one my Grandpas books. When my uncle was getting near death in 2007 he asked me to come in his room and shut the door.
He told that anyone below 32degress was not in the least in the know of the real purpose of the Masons. He told that these degrees were told many
things but had no real knowledge and that the 33rd was really just the beginning of knowledge for a mason and that there were actually what the non
initiate would call many degrees above that.
He said that he wish he had more men in the lodge with my zeal for the occult that I would have made a fine mason if that were possible or I had been
born a man. He told me that Morals and dogma contains many hidden meanings and only those above the 33rd would understand. he told me look to the
origins of Templar that the truth was that real masters were the ones behind the starting of the Johannism, and were the key as they were key in many
movements going back to Egypt and even Atlantis.
If a person pays close attention Pike he talks of the destruction of the Templar through their greed, power and inability to control the lower levels
that were for the most part, uneducated, commoners that joined for the chance at wealth. Theres wasn't;t a staunch moral code for them to help them
keep in line. The real Intelligence behind the temples and even the masons, would never bow down to some stupid piece of wood or metal but that they
are symbols.
It was the lower levels of Templar, which while traveling the Europe and Asia that drew the attention of the king and the papacy for accusation
because they were adapting rites and rituals The Bogomils and Luciferians and some, the Muslims. They were taking part in idol worship(baphomet) and
had no idea what the symbols meant. Of course the Master of the Craft also got arrogant and became a threat the kings sovereign.Thats when he makes
reference to the blue levels being kept in the dark.
It is also very obvious that the Masons learned a very good lesson from the Templars and that is why you have moralistic code of being a good man and
bettering yourself. So as to avoid the same result as the templars and is why the masonry has flourished because the outer portico of the temple would
appear to be and is benign and no threat to the public at large. In fact does good works. The lower levels are a facade.
I personally believe that Johanissm was and is, a blend of Kabbala and Essenisim. No matter what anyone says about freemasonry, all roads lead to
kabala and Ancient Egyptian mysticism. And to the devote believer in the One true God of Heaven and Earth and the Devinne Jesus, all roads lead to
Satanele. I wonder do you know what Johannism teaches about Jesus? It is apparent through the different recorded testimonies and confessions of the
captured Templars that were not tortured that practices were not always uniform and some were , if not most, devote believers in Johanissim and led
very pure, good lives.
Although the other thing my Uncle taught me was that it didn't matter, as long as a person was Hot or Cold and not in between, as he believed that
both had a purpose on this plane of existence. That is the great deception of Satan my friend. I know I make long winded posts but when you are
talking the occult thier is no easy short answers. And, for the record I don't pretend to know everything about the Masons I couldn't as I am not
one and can't be, and wouldn't want to be. As I said in other words, all roads lead to satanele, and the lower levels workshop for him unknowingly.
[edit on 18-1-2010 by Barkster]