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Neo-Agrarianism. A new idea for revolutionary change.

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posted on Jan, 16 2010 @ 04:24 AM
Neo-Agrarianism has 10 key beliefs of how to make our world a better place:
1.End all free trade agreements with countries that are not developed and ones that are not under a democratically elected government with civil and political freedoms.
2.Never loan money to any nation, our government may generously give money to another nation but should never expect that money returned.
3.Government does not have the right to invade any person’s privacy without justifiable reasons and is approved by a jury court system.
4.Government has several duties to always uphold; all people are guaranteed their supreme rights to religious beliefs, political beliefs, speech, assembly and all constitutional freedoms.
5.Government’s only duty is to protect its citizens from; poverty, hunger, oppression, slavery, inequality, injustice, terror, tyranny and foreign occupiers.
6.All people should be willing to donate their free time to aid charities.
7.Neighbor should help neighbor, and friend help friend.
8.Family should be considered an important part of all people’s lives and should be strengthened through community.
9.Religion has no business in government, religion is personal and rejection of organized religion should be encouraged.
10.Community and government should cooperate to assist the elderly, young, and disabled with their finances, health, and activities.
These are 10 key beliefs for a happy and healthy society.These are the 7 laws of how our government should function:
1.Democracy should be the basis for all forms of government. Anything a Parliament cannot agree upon should be given to the public to vote upon to make the final decision on the legislation.
2.There should be a volunteer jury that monitors all activity a government is doing and whether any laws are being broken by the said government. This jury should be of people without any special interests that may sway their judgment.
3.Police, Fire workers, and other public employees of that level should all be civilian and volunteer. Volunteer programs such as this should be a way to pay for college education for these volunteers.
4.The government should have to put any war legislation to a public vote whether the people believe war is the correct method of handling any threatening force.
5.Government and religion should be separate and no laws should be allowed to include any belief or non belief of a God(s), spirit, or life force.
6.Government should guarantee such things as education, health care, shelter, food/water and medicine as universal human rights.
7.The United Nations should not be allowed to push any laws or regulations on said government for any reason, said government may not give any tax money to any supranational government. The United Nations should be used as a place for peace and cooperation.
These are 7 laws that are guaranteed to protect, serve, and help the people. And finally the 20 political views of Neo-Agrarianism are:
1.Abortion is in fact a woman’s right, opposition is mainly pushed by religious views which are not allowed in government.
2.Affirmative Action is not legal because that would force employee selection based on race or gender, which is not treating people as equals.
3.Gay marriage should not be legal because marriage is a religious union between one man and one woman, but as said homosexuals should be treated equal by law so they are entitled to every right that the laws gives a legally married couple because religion is not allowed in government.
4.Religion is not allowed to be taught in schools because not all people share the same religion, religious prayer and expression is allowed in public schools because that is freedom of expression.
5.The death penalty should be abolished because it s cruel and inhumane because people should not be given the right to choose if another person should live or die.
6.“Three Strikes” laws should be encouraged because people who commit non-minor crimes 3 times or more should have already learned from their first time and are only putting others at harm with their reckless behavior.
7. Gun rights should be allowed because it is a deterrent to criminals and is used by many as a recreational tool which should be allowed. The government should only make automatic weapons illegal.
8.As stated before health care should be guaranteed by the government through private non-profit organizations. If people cannot afford the costs then the government should pay it for them.
9.Social Security should not be handled by the government but instead she be handled by a private non-profit local bank. People should also be allowed to opt out of the Social Security all together.
10.The government should operate all schools and guarantee the highest quality education to all students.
11.Green energy should be pushed by the government and strict regulation of pollutants, especially from corporations. We should also reject the notion of manmade global warming.
12.Welfare should not be handled by the government but instead should be given to small non-profit local organization, which distribute the welfare to the citizens.
13.Taxes should be kept progressive but low. There should be a 4 tear system for Income tax; 0%, 10%, 15%, 25%. The corporate tax should be a flat 10% for small businesses and a flat 33% for corporations. The payroll tax should be a flat 10%. And a Sales tax of 15%, but no tax on necessities.
14.Illegal immigrants should be deported immediately and should be allowed to apply for citizenship immediately after departure. We should discourage immigration by helping other countries with their economies.
15.Free Trade should only be allowed for Developed countries with democracy and civil and political liberties. We should allow Fair Trade to countries that are considered Developing, free or partly free, and democracy.
16.Our country should not have foreign military bases and our country should spend exactly 1% of our GDP on their military.
17.Corporations should not be allowed to contribute to any political campaign or political advertisements.
18.Marijuana should only be legalized for medical purposes, while we should also decriminalize it.
19.Every political party should be guaranteed equal opportunity in political debates.
20.All political parties should require a ‘purity’ test to guarantee that there are no real divisions in their parties.

Please give me your critical review, these are my ideas of change.

[edit on 16-1-2010 by Misoir]

posted on Jan, 16 2010 @ 04:52 AM

1.End all free trade agreements with countries that are not developed and ones that are not under a democratically elected government with civil and political freedoms.

there are no perfect way to decide witch country is developed and witch isn't.
even 2000 years ago ppl knew that democracy is the worst form of government. maybe you meant republic?
freedoms? the fact that you have a government above your head limits your freedom. government is there to govern you, not to serve you.

2.Never loan money to any nation, our government may generously give money to another nation but should never expect that money returned.

so no trades, no credits, everyone lives behind iron walls? but we had that few times, how many more times we need to try the same ideas to realise that each time it ends bad.

3.Government does not have the right to invade any person’s privacy without justifiable reasons and is approved by a jury court system.

this one makes even less sense. government sets the rules for the courts, and government set the frame for your "privacy", cuz your private space is in national space and in interest of national security. government's job to protect it self firstly, ppl after

i was too lazy for all other your points, it doesn't make any sense. it might work in some fantasy world, but not in real one.
but then again in a fantasy world you don't need any government there to govern you.
ppl are stupid that's why they created government to govern them. ppl are there to serve the government, not the other way around. I know that out of blue somehow everybody came up with crazy idea that a governor must be a servant, but it is impossible, it doesn't work that way

[edit on 16-1-2010 by Tim00]

posted on Jan, 16 2010 @ 05:01 AM
reply to post by Tim00

I do not believe in loaning money because that only creates debt which puts shackles on said country. That is why I disagree with loaning out money, especially to impovershed countries. When it comes to privacy it is meant to be the same laws we had before the Patriot Act, no wiretapping without a warrant. You are right in the fact there is no clear rules for developed and undveloped but I believe that a country that has a high quality of life and boasts alot of freedom would be countries we could do free trade with. I know why you are so critical of my ideas, it's because you are a hardcore Libertarian, one of those types of libertarians that believe Somalia is a good example to the world, with no government. I am considering moving to Somalia right now because they have the best quality of life in the world!

posted on Jan, 16 2010 @ 05:23 AM
I don't want criticize your dreams, I'm just trying to point out why it would not work.
loaning money is not bad thing. bad things are loaning money that isn't yours, or loaning money under bad and greedy terms and conditions. or loaning money for those who are unable to pay back. if one country has no economy, loans wont help it to make economy. you don't give 1m$ to first guy you meet on the street saying make business and give me back later. if you have 1m$ you go and look for some business that is already there to invest.

now about free trades, imagine US/EU would stop trading with not so developed countries like China, Russia and Middle East.. no more natural gases, no more 'cheap' oil, no more cheap wallmart. could you afford to live without china?
middle East probably wouldn't go bankrupt without US, but US without Middle East might.

[edit on 16-1-2010 by Tim00]

posted on Jan, 16 2010 @ 05:31 AM
China is a threat to its own people and ours. There are so many jobs being sent there, the people there are treated terribly, and corporations use them people like slaves. I consider countries like Russia, Serbai, and Libya developed just look at the HDI list. We could trade with Russia for oil to replace the Gulf states we would just have to seriously encourage them to change their freedoms because right now they are not free. Back to China, we should never have went there in the first freaking place, they aren't grateful for us sending all our jobs over there they don't show any gratefullness so screw China. Reform your country and then talk to us. As for the loans lets use the current situation in Haiti, we wouldn't loan them money because we know they won't be able to pay us back but we could give them the money and not expect it back.

posted on Jan, 16 2010 @ 05:56 AM

Originally posted by Misoir
1.End all free trade agreements with countries that are not developed and ones that are not under a democratically elected government with civil and political freedoms.

I find this highly disgusting because of the term "free". The first key belief is about selling out moral values, for the right price. Sure you can send over your child-labor produced items. But you'll have to pay our sin tax first. Sin tax one of the most offensive things in existence. Crime for profit. All nations should be allowed to trade free of charge. Taking money without asking is stealing, and I don't support theft. The term "free" really smears boogers on an otherwise reasonable proposition. If you want to consider cutting off trade entirely, you'd have my ear.

2.Never loan money to any nation, our government may generously give money to another nation but should never expect that money returned.
Fine, so long as each donation is ultimately a voluntary one for each of the root donors. Otherwise, you are forcing majority opinion about which governments should be donated to upon a minority who may disagree.

3.Government does not have the right to invade any person’s privacy without justifiable reasons and is approved by a jury court system.
Sounds good to me.

4.Government has several duties to always uphold; all people are guaranteed their supreme rights to religious beliefs, political beliefs, speech, assembly and all constitutional freedoms.

Very good.

5.Government’s only duty is to protect its citizens from; poverty, hunger, oppression, slavery, inequality, injustice, terror, tyranny and foreign occupiers.

Disagreed. I think that government should be doing whatever its citizens ask of it so long as it isn't clearly causing any form of harm to anybody, and so long as it is not withholding anything from those who do not wish to participate (most notably the taxes required for the actions taken). Also, in some cases many people want to be unequal. For example if everyone else wears an orange headband, they may want to wear a green headband or even no headband at all. The word "inequality" is in a way to generic for me. Maybe "political inequality" would work, though even then I question its full meaning.

6.All people should be willing to donate their free time to aid charities.

Agreed, but what is more important is that nobody should be forced to do such a thing, and to do so is slavery... a disgusting crime against humanity entitling the attempted enslaver to a very long prison sentence. I'd also consider it false for those who only have a few minutes of free time

7.Neighbor should help neighbor, and friend help friend.

Very good point, and again, forcing someone to do such a thing is among the worst things someone can do because contaminates all good done by the organization with an overtone of evil, because it turns what was best described as "help" into what would best be called slave labor. However, going around helping people is about charity and possibly best left to things called "charities" rather than governments. But if it isn't harmful for government to get involved I suppose I've got little objection. I'd just rather see more items in the top 10 like "disallow people from killing each other" and other points that build on things like that.

8.Family should be considered an important part of all people’s lives and should be strengthened through community.

I strongly agree with the statement. I don't see however how government can get involved in that. I guess if you know of a way, I could agree with that as a function of government so long as programs are not mandatory to either pay for or participate in.

9.Religion has no business in government, religion is personal and rejection of organized religion should be encouraged.
Blatantly impossible as phrased... kind of offensive if you think about the ramifications. If someone is a Christian and they are also a member of government, that is in some respect religion in government. And therefore you would ban that. So I disagree. I'll agree that preachers have no business ordering politicians around and vice-versa.

10.Community and government should cooperate to assist the elderly, young, and disabled with their finances, health, and activities.
I strongly agree because you have used the term "should" rather than "must"... meaning communities who raise moral objections to any form of cooperation should fail to cooperate. Only where there is agreement on what is being cooperated on should they cooperate. The best role of government would be therefore to recommend certain charities to people and make sure people are informed about the needs of their communities.

I don't have time for further review but hope you find my commentary valuable.

[edit on 16-1-2010 by truthquest]

posted on Jan, 16 2010 @ 06:09 AM
reply to post by truthquest

"If you want to consider cutting off trade entirely, you'd have my ear. "
I would actually prefer to do that but there are just some things that we can't provide such as oil for one example.

"For example if everyone else wears an orange headband, they may want to wear a green headband or even no headband at all. The word "inequality" is in a way to generic for me. Maybe "political inequality" would work, though even then I question its full meaning."
When I say inequality I mean such things as sever economic inequality by having a small middle class and a large rich and poor class. As well as stopping discrimination because of race, religion, gender, or sexual orientation.

"Blatantly impossible as phrased... kind of offensive if you think about the ramifications. If someone is a Christian and they are also a member of government, that is in some respect religion in government. And therefore you would ban that. So I disagree. I'll agree that preachers have no business ordering politicians around and vice-versa."
Everyone has the right to their own religion including politicians. What I meant was no religious expression in government and no laws that include religion in anyway in the texts.

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