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Opinion on Obama .

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posted on Jan, 16 2010 @ 08:19 PM
I've seen a few presidents come and go, and Ive never been more afraid for my country than now. I used to be concerned, active and still am...but now I am seriously considering the legal ramifications of the Declaration of Independence, the part about overthrowing a tyrant if he abandons the principles this country was founded upon.
I find it hard to relax, remembering the good ol' days when all I had to do was make a living and support my family... now, I hide my guns throughout my property, carry a little kit in case I'm at work and "El Presidente' " declares a national emergency, I wonder who else in his administration will be shown to be so far removed from the America I grew up in. This has nothing to do with a differing political view or religious view, but out right Communist or promotes euthanasia, or wants to inhibit free speech and civil discord, or promotes man-boy sex. We used to go to war with countries that wanted to do to us what he is doing to us.
Frankly, white-black-yellow-green, it don't matter...I do not trust this man.

posted on Jan, 16 2010 @ 08:35 PM

Originally posted by anoymous7
threads were deleted? thats fairly interesting... any staff wanna validate this claim?

I can only speak for myself, of course, it will be said that I said a harsh word or something like that and that this was the reason. But I can understand why. People were riding high on the idea of Obama as the one who would bring America hope and change. But he can't deliver. But I'm glad to see that others are now coming forward with dissenting opinions as well.

posted on Jan, 20 2010 @ 06:10 AM
reply to post by anoymous7

Im sorry that you got banned. R.I.P friend and thanks for the reply to one of my threads.

posted on Jan, 20 2010 @ 06:41 AM
Obama clearly wouldnt fulfill the hopes of the vast majority (who seemed to be preparing for some sort of second coming) unless he was healing the lame and making wine from water by the end of his first quarter.

You could put Washington or Lincoln in after G W Bush and I doubt they'd be able to do much about the mess that was left.

Year 1 Obama nearly managed to deliver Obamacare whilst balancing 2 wars and some of the most close to home issues to face US electors since the 70's ( job losses and foreclosures)

Year 2 who knows..I know when I've started much less taxing jobs than POTUS; its taken me 6 mths to get my feet under the desk so hard to judge at this stage.
If anyones moaning about the economy, the war, terrorism ; take a look at the policies of Reagan, both Bush's and Clinton and rate them in their first years as part of your rationale as these issues started then, not in the last 12 months.

[edit on 20-1-2010 by Jukiodone]

posted on Jan, 20 2010 @ 06:41 AM
DP Mods please delete..

[edit on 20-1-2010 by Jukiodone]

posted on Jan, 24 2010 @ 10:55 PM
I think he's a decent guy. All the people saying "OH NO, HE'S MOVING TO THE RIGHT!!" need to take a breather and realize that's called BIPARTISANSHIP.

The ones I'm really mad at are the wimps that call themselves Democrats in the Senate and House. I don't want more people like Pelosi (Dear lord, no. She's terrible.), but I want people who can stand their ground, and I'd prefer if more Republicans in the Senate got a grip and wouldn't filibuster. The Senate's not meant for petty partisan disputes; that's the House. Alas, that's a different soapbox.

I think Obama's gestures to the rest of the world are much better than his predecessors'. Here's hoping that more presidents after him at least continue that trend.

posted on Jan, 24 2010 @ 11:04 PM
I regard President Obama as I do any other President in the past century or so - a puppet set out to induce the will of the powers that be. Nothing more, nothing less.

I have to say that I was originally swayed by the charisma and promises of Obama and should I have opted to vote I would have voted for him. I had high hopes for the man to instill the change that many have been waiting for but as most will agree, it all turned out to be smoke, mirrors, and lies.

Yes, he united the nation at the onset, something that was necessary, however, in his tenure so far he has managed to divide that nation even worse than it was before - financially, socially, and politically.

In a legitimate voting structure, I would consider it a mark of human advancement and intrigue that indeed an African-American was voted into office, however, I do not believe in the accuracy and legitimacy of the voting systems, and I believe he would have become President regardless.

With that said, I do not like many Presidents in our history. The first couple, Andrew Jackson, and JFK will remain forever in my mind as role models for the presidency. However, I honestly believe that there will be no time for models to be followed as I see Barack Obama serving as the last President of the United States of America.

posted on Jan, 24 2010 @ 11:36 PM
reply to post by Jukiodone

Turns out that only Jimmy Carter was less popular than Obama after one year, as Obama's approval rating went below 50% over the weekend.

I didn't trust him even before he was elected President. He's the biggest puppet in the history of U.S. presidents, as he is the one who will be used for the ultimate TPTB agenda. I expect a second Obama term in the Reagan style.

Don't worry, by then the public will love him again, and forget his long gone promises that never were made.

Some puppet president know what they are doing, and others such as Obama just don't. If the IPCC could get a nobel prize, and Obama could, then why should be trust Obama? The IPCC has lied plenty about the science of global warming. It's like the Oscars. You're not going to get one, unless you're supported by the TPTB.

posted on Jan, 25 2010 @ 07:34 PM
reply to post by MightyAl

It's a little silly for you to say that, as Reagan dipped below 50% in his first year as well.

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