posted on May, 29 2004 @ 08:36 PM
The usual method of recruitment for the intelligence services is direct from the universities. The intelligence service keeps a very close eye on the
activities overseas students, political radicals, and so on. It also talent spots bright students with well above average integrity, and character,
they know exactly what they are looking for.
There are also a lot of former intelligence officers all over the place that might recommend someone as a possible candidate for recruitment. I do not
want to talk about it too much, but that is how it is normally done.
But sometimes they have a genuine shortage of people with particular skills, and they then advertise quite openly.
A lot of this type of research and investigative work is quite routine and very dull. You would not be out chasing spies all the time, but processing
boring repetitive paperwork in an office. A similar job in a bank or insurance office might be far more interesting, and without the iron hard rigid
discipline and accountability.
Lots of people get pissed off with it and resign, that is why there is such a large network of former intelligence officers around. You have probably
had one as your boss at some stage without ever knowing where he "used" to work. They are all really bright clever people.
If you think you might want to be a spook, forget it, it is not what you probably expect.