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Looking for some help re:vaccine in pregnant women

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posted on Jan, 13 2010 @ 11:03 PM
Hi guys, i'm not a massive follower of the swine flu threads of forum, but i've read a couple, and i know for sure i'm not getting it (the vaccine that is)! I'm 10weeks pregnant, and i've just found out my sister in law is too, and she's decided she's going to get the vaccine, i've told her my thoughts, but i was wondering if anyone could give me some legit links with some facts for her to have a look at - i get that it's her decision, but she's just going by what the doctor has told her, and i want her to at least be more informed before risking her own health & her unborn child's health by getting it.


posted on Jan, 13 2010 @ 11:14 PM
This just came out today from the a lead health official in Europe. I would never get any vaccine at this point. Nadda for me.

posted on Jan, 13 2010 @ 11:53 PM
Yeah i told her they would have to knock me out and strap me down to give it to me, thanks so much for the link, i've passed it along, and posted it up on my facebook & twitter to let my family & friends know too. (plus it helps me not look crazy because i've yelled at them all for getting vaccinated!)

thanks again

[edit on 13/1/2010 by bkaust]

posted on Jan, 16 2010 @ 03:01 PM
reply to post by bkaust


This video is good for educating people. This is part 1 or 3

posted on Jan, 16 2010 @ 03:02 PM
Part 2 of 3

posted on Jan, 16 2010 @ 03:03 PM
Part 3 of 3

posted on Jan, 17 2010 @ 09:33 PM
^ thanks for those, very interesting! i don't know if she has Broadband, but ill pass them along all the same.

I've gotten myself into an argument with another friend over immunising our babies, she has a 1.5 year old, and she thinks all the vaccinations are important and told me i was 'reading too much into it' when i questioned the necessity to them, and the supposed link to autism.
Something i'll have to research more in the months before i'm due.

I just don't think people question enough. I'm so sick of people assuming their doctor's word is the final say. I've been stuffed around by enough doctors to realise, they don't know much more then what they are told by someone else, or they just guess. I've been told i had leukemia, when i just had a massive tonsil, my sister was told she had days to live from a cancer, which was actually just a blood blister on her toe. See what i mean? doctors aren't that freaking smart!

posted on Jan, 17 2010 @ 10:07 PM
reply to post by bkaust

Not to scare you, just passing along some info I heard.

My stepson's best friend's wife is pregnant, due in May, I think.

Right after she had a check up where she was told everything was looking good, she got a swine flu shot. (Even though my stepson told his friend NOT to let her get one) but her doctor was recommending it.

Now, supposedly, they are saying they see something that makes them think the baby could have brain damage. I haven't heard anything else, so far, so I don't know if this is true, or if it could be connected with the swine flu shot.

My stepson was very upset about this, he tried to talk her out of it. He has done a lot of research on vaccinations, as have I, and he would not take one, and said he would not get his children vaccinated when he eventually has some. I would try to talk my children out of getting theirs vaccinated.

Fortunately, none of my children had any problems after being vaccinated, that I know of, but if I had young children today, I would not get them vaccinated.

As far as any kind of flu shot, it seems to me that when I was pregnant in the 80's, and then again, in the late 90's, they WERE NOT recommending flu shots for either pregnant women, OR babies.

God Bless


[edit on 17-1-2010 by sezsue]

posted on Jan, 17 2010 @ 11:08 PM
thanks sezsue, i'm very much like you, i refuse to get a flu shot or the swine flu vaccine pregnant or not. I'm hoping my friend has taken the info i've given her on board, but i can't really force my opinion on her, so she know's my views and i can only hope she doesnt decide to get it at her next doctor's appointment.

posted on Jan, 17 2010 @ 11:10 PM

Originally posted by bkaust

I just don't think people question enough. I'm so sick of people assuming their doctor's word is the final say. I've been stuffed around by enough doctors to realise, they don't know much more then what they are told by someone else, or they just guess. I've been told i had leukemia, when i just had a massive tonsil, my sister was told she had days to live from a cancer, which was actually just a blood blister on her toe. See what i mean? doctors aren't that freaking smart!

Exactly. If any doctor doesn't repectfully listen to what you have to say and what you believe in, find another doctor. Or take my approach, forget about doctors. If an emergency happens, go to the emergency room. I don't need a doctor and can't even remember the last time I went to one. You dont need them 99% of the time anyways. I'd rather fight a bad flu than to ever take any chances with any Big Pharma antibiotics, let alone a vaccine. Forget it.

Learn how to care of yourself and your loved ones. You can do it as well as anybody, if you take the time to learn the truth. God provided us with all the 'medicine' we need and also designed our bodies to heal themselves, if given a decent chance by creating a healthy overall system.

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