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Swine Flue Vaccine Came from Cancerous Cells!!!

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posted on Jan, 13 2010 @ 05:16 PM
“The vaccines were developed too quickly. Some ingredients were insufficiently tested. But there is worse to come. The vaccine developed by Novartis was produced in a bioreactor from cancerous cells, a technique that had never been used until now”. Caught my attention here: quoting Head of Health at the council of Europe.

What caught my attention was not the fact it seems Pharmaceutical companies have caused a pointless panic, but that it seems anyone who received the vaccine, has been injected with cells that came a Tumour originating from scientists lab bio-reactor!
I find this an alarming sign of our times. Not least because there are many (rarely found in the commercial drugs industry!) who believe the power of practices such as "homeopathy" extends well beyond any "Placebo Effect(s)".
I'm not saying whether their opinions are right or wrong, all I'm saying is that I bet many of these people who thought they were doing the right thing all according to Big Brother (the evening "news"!) were in fact accepting DNA from cancerous cells, something which if they had been told what they were doing, they would never have done.

Mr Wolfgang has also made known his fears of the vaccine causing cancer in greater details here:

By the way: The Council of Europe was founded in 1949: and is therefore much older-separate to the European Union which was established by the Maastricht Treaty signed in 1992: (also without a U.K referendum!).
Nevertheless it'll be wonderful if Mr Wolfgang Wodarg opinions really does carry significant hope of "appropriate action" being taken against those in the drugs industry (who may not only have society anxiority worse) but also (exactly like the very worst types of criminals) have threatened the well being of all classes in society too.

posted on Jan, 13 2010 @ 06:27 PM
reply to post by Liberal1984

Pravda? Really?

Looks like compiled Sorcha Faal stuff =\

posted on Jan, 13 2010 @ 08:04 PM
There is an interesting pdf here on the cells used for vaccine cultures.

Spare a thought for little Percy, aborted as a lifestyle choice at 18 weeks, whose eye cells are now immortalised as the PER.C6 cell line. I wonder if the "anti-choicers" would refuse to use it if they knew?

There is a chart here showing from where the cultures used in most vaccines are derived.

These vaccines are still experimental, we have no idea what effect they will have on us in 20 years time.

I doubt the government is trying to make sure we all drop dead at retirement age, but can anyone see the minding if we did?

posted on Jan, 13 2010 @ 08:12 PM

Originally posted by Libertygal
Pravda? Really?

Looks like compiled Sorcha Faal stuff =\

It's good to be sceptical.

Feel like scanning a document that's guaranteed to be genuine?

It's the May, 2001 meeting of the Vaccine and related biological products advisory committee and the FDA.

Quite interesting reading.

Not all the scientists present were confident about the safety of using cancer cells.

posted on Jan, 13 2010 @ 08:14 PM
Glad I didn't get the vaccine now. ( I meant to get it but every time i booked in to go to the doctors, something else came up lol). This story was on as well a couple of days ago.


posted on Jan, 16 2010 @ 08:38 PM
Originally posted by Libertygal

Pravda? Really?
Looks like compiled Sorcha Faal stuff =\

That's so damn lazy.
Just Google "Swine Flue Cancer Cells" and you will see the information is reported by many independant sources:

In my opinion it's ok to go: "Oh Pavada, Fox, BBC, whatever = not true" If you've acturally investigated the article and it seems to be the case.

But in my experience has provided information better or equral to many Western, mainstream, websites. The main difference I can see is that they are openly nationalistic towrds Russia; and frankly this just interests me, because the way the private media has to buy peoples views, so they vote the right direction, makes our system less truthful than the Russian system of private media being an extension of government (as opposed to being the government).

posted on Jan, 17 2010 @ 11:12 PM
haha, the posts on this board STILL continue to amuse me so...

I guarentee you the vaccine was not made with cancerous cells, let alone cell lines at all. Do you all believe everything you are told in the media? Especially from questionable sources? If you want info regarding the H1N1 vaccine, go to the WHO or CDC websites, go to the American Society for Microbiology, ask anyone registered there (myself)... we have no reason to lie to you regarding the vaccine.

PS. Most of the vaccines were made from eggs, or insect cells, not cell lines. Cell cultures are FAR too expensive (time and $) to use to just produce vaccine.

posted on Jan, 18 2010 @ 07:21 AM

Originally posted by retroviralsounds
haha, the posts on this board STILL continue to amuse me so...

I guarentee you the vaccine was not made with cancerous cells, let alone cell lines at all. Do you all believe everything you are told in the media? Especially from questionable sources? If you want info regarding the H1N1 vaccine, go to the WHO or CDC websites, go to the American Society for Microbiology, ask anyone registered there (myself)... we have no reason to lie to you regarding the vaccine.

PS. Most of the vaccines were made from eggs, or insect cells, not cell lines. Cell cultures are FAR too expensive (time and $) to use to just produce vaccine.

I thought you must be ignorant, but as you belong to the American Society of microbiology, I am open to the possibility that you are a liar instead.
Would you like to see a presentation to the FDA about these cells?

Vaccine and related biological products advisory committee

I challenge you to show a single modern vaccine which is made from insect cells.

There were four companies producing swine flu vaccine for humans last year. The only one of those to still use eggs was the Australian one. The others all use human cell lines now.

Perhaps you are very old and don't know what goes on in the field of vaccines today. Do you even know about PER.C6, its derivation and what it's used for?

There are only a small number of cell lines used for vaccines. These are given cancer attributes because that allows them to reproduce indefinitely, making cell cultures relatively cheap to supply.

There is no way to test the safety of injecting a vaccine which will still contain some of these cells because the effect could be long-term and there are too many other cancer causing factors in society to ever see if the vaccines are causing cancer too.

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