posted on Jan, 12 2010 @ 09:48 PM
reply to post by Sonata
All that typing and said nothing? After suffering throughout your posting here, I see that you have fallen into the ranks of the abyss of those
who have become dissplacent. You have heard so many things in your lifetime that you don't seem to care one way or another about what happens, just
as long as something happens to substantiate either one group or another.
Jesus is coming back, the nwo is taking us over, martial law is coming, the sky is falling, etc. I know exactly how ya feel, for I have walked this
fine line myself, and even to this day I am still walking it as fine a tight-rope as it is! During my 47 years on this earth I have learned to follow
no man, trust nobody but God, and never say never.
I don't know what your spiritual preference is, but I am literally begging you as a brother in christ to seek God out! He will show you what's
happening, and even guide you to not be afraid of what's coming. I am saddended and sorry to say, but this planet and the sinners who are occupying
it right now are the ones who are really scared to death!
THey and their master (satan) know that their time of reign is almost up! Just a few days ago, I was really bummed out, so I hit my knees and read my
bible, and God showed me many things, but he only showed me them after I asked him to. So far, in the last 3 months or so, I have lost a
brother-in-law, and a close cousin. Both young men, and I felt like giving up myself, but something inside me just kept digging at me until I started
looking for answers!
Let me tell ya something right now too. Man is not going to save me nor you! It was man who screwed up things to begin with! Turn to the Lord, he has
the answers to every question you could ever think of! But you have to seek him with all your heart! Godspeed............