Right now, spaceweather.com is reporting that sunspot 618 COULD erupt in an X-class flare... and if it did so in the next few days earth might be hit
with its effects.
My questions is this: After that unusual solar activity last fall, did the gov/public become more attuned to these things... or were the risks posed
by solar flares somehow deflated? I mean... after the first big one every paper ran a story about what could happen... but when nothing DID happen
everyone seemed to blow off the threat these things could pose to communications...
I think its one of those things where they realize its a threat, and tell everyone, so everyone is aware, then after it happens a few times, because
everyone already knows, its not big news anymore unless it knocks the power grid down. Then everyone will be in another solar flare uproar.
Personally, I hate solar flares, they mess with my satlelite reception.
BTW, spaceweather.com is now saying that there is a 50% chance that we'll have an M-class flare in the next few days (but just a 10% chance for an