posted on Jan, 12 2010 @ 03:41 AM
After Considering the question of Conspiracies within Governing Bodies,
I have come to the conclusion that there is no Gain at all, by any government
if indeed any Conspiracies do exist against the common person in the street…
Whatever humankind thinks to have gained, is lost at the end of their Earthly experience.
I have come to the Conclusion that if such Conspiracies do exist within whatever Organisations or Governing bodies, that this activity is not so much
at humankind, but rather is a Conspiracy against the Component many call Life.
To identify my interpretation of Life I am Referring to the Motive force (Motivation)
behind everything and Not being identified as any biological species itself.
This would explain most of the trends in humankind.
I would be interested to read your thoughts on this....
(Please note; this thread is not intended to be of religious beliefs or invoke discussion involving religion)