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Just not anything going on anymore.

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posted on Jan, 13 2010 @ 09:55 AM
There is no question that the UFO phenomenon is still just as prevalent as it ever was. See Mufon.

The problem is internet saturation and subsequent desensitization as a result. It certainly does not just effect the Fortean schools of interest, but rather almost every form of enthusiastic information gathering imaginable.

It's perfectly natural to seek out "answers" on the Internet. That's because the Internet has the potential to be a very useful research mechanism. However, the process of wading through a neck deep cesspool of nonsense, charlatans and ever predictable know it all pseudo scientists quickly impressions us with an ill rationed state of mind that deters us from the real goal.

The real goal is to simply gather as much legitimately reported information and subsequent rationale based on collective studies so that we may formulate our own understanding of the phenomenon. This is an ultimately critical crux from which we can arrive quit logically at an undefeatable stance on the matter. One that allows us to shed both the foolishness of ill mental health derived or charlatan schemed false information as well as the weak kneed seeds of mirrored doubt that the attention starved pseudo scientific craniums of concrete repeatedly spout.

The undefeatable and logical scientific stance on the UFO matter is one that clearly proclaims that there are NO answers at this time. Don't bother looking for what is not presently there. Always remember that "answers" are a past tense summery of known or proved constructs. The multifaceted information building blocks that we seek with respect to phenomenon may forever remain in an ongoing accumulative state of preparedness. Answers are NOT based in belief although sometimes we do get the chance to have proved what we once believed to be true. Beliefs are a projection. Answers are a reflection.

NEVER pay one iota of attention to the repetitively babbling pseudo scientists that demand proof. Understand that enthusiasm is your ONLY stock in trade. Do not let those predictable bozos rob you of that priceless research commodity. You will need and indeed require every bit of enthusiasm that you can muster to maintain your healthy state of forward mental momentum no matter what your undertaking may be. Life is short. Don't argue with identity crisis stricken fools.

Coming to an Internet Forum and looking for the false premise of answers is much likened to a haystack in which you imagine are located the hidden pieces of a beautiful antique glass vase. Certainly the possibility of reconstructing the vase itself is an attractive and enticing imagined summery so you enthusiastically thrust your hands forward into the haystack in an effort to grope the pieces of your treasure. The problem here being the you will most likely cut yourself into the ribbons of discouragement before you even come close to a construct of your personal prize. Who knows, maybe some trickster filled your mind with nothing more than their self serving false notions and within the haystack there is nothing but the broken fragments of a beer bottle. Of course as you wither in the agonies of your noble and once enthusiastic pursuit you will also have to ignore the heckling of the "know it alls" demanding proof of the vase's existence to justify your motives.

Come to the Forums, gather or discard information, relate to and share information with other enthusiastic researchers and deflect the pseudo scientific rubber tipped arrows of the proud and lonely jesters.

Be Well!

posted on Jan, 13 2010 @ 10:19 AM
reply to post by RiotComing

Did you at least report your sighting to an investigative group, such as MUFON?

posted on Jan, 13 2010 @ 10:30 AM
reply to post by ST SIR 86

How is it you can blame ATS or "debunkers" for the lack of anything substantial in sometime. There are still many great cases unsolved to this day. Trust me, these "debunkers", or rather likely the people who take ufology seriously, are about as tired as the lack of evidence as anyone.

posted on Jan, 13 2010 @ 10:56 AM
I get frustrated with ATS sometimes and say stupid things. What triggers my frustration are the blind believers who refuse to listen to reason. The blind believers are the ones ruining the discussions here not the skeptics/pseudo-skeptics/debunkers or whatever you want to call them. If you know something to be the truth you won't be offended by criticism. There are also more threads based on pure speculation in the Aliens and UFOs section. If the mods were doing their job those threads would be moved to the Skunk Works/Grey Area.

There isn't a sound discussion about aliens and UFOs on ATS today

posted on Jan, 13 2010 @ 11:28 AM

Originally posted by cripmeister
The blind believers are the ones ruining the discussions here not the skeptics/pseudo-skeptics/debunkers or whatever you want to call them.

Blind believers also come in 'debunker' flavour and can be just as small minded, childish and dogmatic as their extremist counterparts who think everything is a UFO.

Originally posted by cripmeister
There isn't a sound discussion about aliens and UFOs on ATS today

What planet have you been living on?

I'll grant you there are a fair few wacky discussions out there but there have also been some excellent threads made about the UFO/USO subject on this forum.

[edit on 02/10/08 by karl 12]

posted on Jan, 13 2010 @ 04:22 PM

Originally posted by karl 12

Blind believers also come in 'debunker' flavour and can be just as small minded, childish and dogmatic as their extremist counterparts who think everything is a UFO.

I totally agree but blind debunkers aren't responsible for ruining ATS. It's the 'I'll believe anything' people that turn ATS into a joke.

Originally posted by karl 12
What planet have you been living on?

I'll grant you there are a fair few wacky discussions out there but there have also been some excellent threads made about the UFO/USO subject on this forum.

Planet Earth I suppose. Most threads are just re-hashing old cases. Unless some new evidence has been presented I won't waste my time. We need less speculation and more grounded discussion about the UFO phenomena on this forum.

posted on Jan, 13 2010 @ 04:30 PM
reply to post by cripmeister

Most threads are just re-hashing old cases. Unless some new evidence has been presented I won't waste my time. We need less speculation and more grounded discussion about the UFO phenomena on this forum.

Yea, most of these "old cases" needed to be presented on ATS, as they WERE NOT before.

Those are the ones with promise, some are actually new, but people keep looking for some youtube video to confirm a Pleiadian mothership in orbit over Earth I guess....

Check this thread out, if you have not already...

However....If you have some NEW and CONFOUNDING case to present I sure would be HAPPY to listen. Thanks...

posted on Jan, 13 2010 @ 05:00 PM
reply to post by jkrog08

Discussing old cases where there is no new evidence only leads to speculation. People love to speculate but that will get us nowhere, I'm better off reading a sci-fi novel by a skilled writer.

posted on Jan, 13 2010 @ 05:22 PM
reply to post by cripmeister

I would like to think my Aliens and UFOs thread was a new synthesis of various UFO accounts and physics theories that hadn't been done before. I'd also like to think it was grounded in reality and facts.

That said, it didn't get many viewers or replies.

I was basically trying to tell people how to build a propulsion device that likely used the same principles as UFOs and like I said, it did not get much in the way of viewers or replies.

Perhaps my title Faster than Light Travel and Black Holes - 2 Examples of the Same Underlying Physics Phenomenon was a poor title and I needed a better one. Or perhaps people don't really care about the factual details of how these craft potentially work and just want to hear stories about aliens.

posted on Jan, 14 2010 @ 01:16 PM
So, is this a kind of "where have all the good times gone?" thread in terms of UFO sightings/postings/videos/pictures here on ATS?

Many of the reasons given in this thread for any perceived lack of new and exciting cases do make sense. (failed UFO or 'disclosure' predictions, over-saturation of phony videos on youtube, etc.)

Some theories I had kicked around in my head as to why hoaxers who previously attempted the most ambitious pranks in the past have decreased are perhaps because; they no longer fool us with their CGI and other software tricks, or that they no longer have the extra time/money to keep coming up with new and more puzzling videos/pictures. Otherwise, why haven't 'genuine' cases kept pace with the amount of people with good quality cameras and access to the Internet?

It seems that these days, in order for a UFO sighting to have any kind of 'wow' effect on people it must pass a tremendous amount of scrutiny and verification for it to have any merit. Perhaps things like; multiple witnesses recording with multiple cameras who didn't know each other prior to an event, radar data that coincides with a sighting, access by video experts to the raw footage, media coverage, etc. is what helps gets people's undivided attention these days as far as UFO sightings go.

Is it because many of the newest cases these days cannot pass this kind of scrutiny part of the reason why there seem to be less new and exciting cases these days?

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