posted on May, 25 2004 @ 06:35 PM
Ok, I'm sick and tired of all these idiots calling people ignorant just because they have some conservative view-points. Take me for example, I've
considered all sides. I have things from conservative view-points, same as liberal ones. I'm sick of people calling me a "blind follower" because
I believe in God, and Jesus. The war in Iraq and George Bush are perfect example. Everyone who is for Bush is supposedly "ignorant", and everyone
against him educated. They mention things like the poor guy choking on his pretzel, they don't mention that Bush's economic plans are actually
doing somewhat well. My friend the other day tried to set me up. He was asking me if I was a conservative. He said "Are you against abortion". I
said "Yes". Then he said, "Are you for the death penalty?". Now, it was pretty damned obvious that he was trying to set me up for this and say
"Congrats!!! You're conservative!!" So I said, "Yes, if someone rapes and murders a bunch of people, they do deserve to die...after some
suffering. But babies in their mothers womb have done nothing wrong...yet". He told me to answer, "yes" or "no"... I believe some things that
would be considered, "out there" and I also believe some pretty conservative things. Such as the war in Iraq, I think America might not actually be
doing stupid evil things there. My uncle is a green beret, first hand experience. He has told me about things that he has seen. I'm sick of people
pulling things out of their a$$'s, like that we "Planted" those WMD's there before pretending to discover them. Then they call me ignorant
because I prove them wrong simply by asking them where they got this random idea from. It's usually just hear-say. Things aren't always as simple
as black and white. Just because you believe alot of wild things, doesn't make you open-minded and intelligent. I know ALOT of people who are very
close minded, and I could even call them ignorant because they ONLY believe the BAD things about America, and the wild and crazy ideas about space and
the paranormal. They don't consider ALL sides of the story (Hint: there isn't always just two) For example, I think we may be doing good things in
Iraq "liberating" these people and such. On the other hand, we do do some stupid things, such as firing on a wedding ceremony. Rarely am I ever
100% on one side of something this big. Another thing is God. I do believe in him, and that Jesus died for my sins, but I do find many
contradictions in the bible. Sometimes I even argue points against things that are said in the bible, thinking it's possible that the bible was
screwed with during the middle ages. So, liberals and other people that believe many things that are considered, "Wild" and "out there": Please
stop calling people ignorant because they have conservative view points, only if the refuse to consider other possibilities are they every really
ignorant. Some people have already considered everything that they find valid, and have settled on a belief.