posted on Jan, 11 2010 @ 09:20 PM
I am really, really, good at forgetting my password and user id and what I did yesterday, but by gosh, I am really good at knowing useless facts and
information about current affairs. So I am a lurker, but now have more time filling my head with junk, knowledge and usefull things.
I am a Gemini for all you psychic/astrological types. I like to rant and drone on and on about stuff.
My login Id does have meaning if you can figure out what Preta means, it sums me up pretty good.
I don't have any favorite topics, and don't avoid any.....
I am stuck working with zombifed sheeple (is that a word or term). I can come up with the most outrage theories. My spelling and grammer is horrid.
And I am the "perfect" Gemini
I'll see what I can contribute here, since lurking and never logging on(ossp sorry)
anyways see you on the other side.......