posted on Jan, 11 2010 @ 03:06 PM
Too many people are currently applying the wrong use of "Racism" to define remarks made by elected officials.
The KKK is allowed to utter all kinds of bigotted and prejudicial remarks. They can even print the crap they believe, but they are not racist just
because of what they say or print. However; the moment they hang a black man and set his body on fire just because he was black would be a murder
that a was also an act of racism. Crime and Race equal racism.
Begin bigoted, discriminatory or prejuditial as ignorant as it may be is protected speech. Or at least is was the last time I checked. The magic line
that has to be crossed in order to be called a racist is when someone who may be bigotted or discriminatory uses their prejudice against any race and
acts on that race basis and commits a crime against someone because of race. No matter the type of crime, any crime against someone because of race
is being racist.
The last thing mucking this whole subject matter of Senator Reid being a so called racist is that I will admit that no employee of some corporation or
elected leader has a right to express his bigotted ideologies and discriminatory remarks and expect to get paid for it. In fact I would then give the
corporation board or in this case, Senator Reids constituents the ability to decide if they want to pay someone who openly remarks about racial
indifferences in such an insensitive disregard. While his remarks up to this point have been insensitive and out of date with society, Senator Reid
did not commit an act of racism because no crime has been commited.
If we have moved into the arena of calling someone a racist to imply he does not like black people then just remember that an employee or elected
representative is resposible to who pays him or elects him.
Citizens can say what they want whether you like what is being said or not. They arent on anyones payroll and as such unless you are a talk show host
who one day says something rude and crude the average citizen does not have to answer to the will of what the media think is racist because so far the
media has proven that they cant be trusted to be factual or truthful.
What we are seeing in this Senator Reid circus is just an excuse to continue to undermine our language and the definition of what words really mean.
More proof of the dumbing down of society and manipulation of the talk show hosts serving the public airwaves to achieve that dumbing down affect
where saying you dont like someone or some racial quirk as being racist.
Lastly I would say that we currently live in a society where not understanding another culture and remarking in insensitive ways can get you branded a
racist. Combine the lack of informed public and you have the ingredients necessary to restrict speech by not only citizens but by those in the
corporate culture as well. We need to get back to what is real and until we do this Senator Reid circus is just that, a circus with too many clowns
in the act.