posted on May, 25 2004 @ 04:57 PM
Originally posted by worldwatcher
Falluja is the model for future Iraq... maybe Falluja has shown him what the Iraqis want.
As much as I would love to see Iraq being democratic, I have to agree, the way things are going, and the reality of that part of the world is that the
people want an Islamic state. The only two options I think we have, is to either send a lot more troops into Iraq and totally take control away from
them, or to allow them to become an Islamic state, either way, in the end thats what Iraq will be, and probibly should be, because that is the way
they want to live. I just hope that when they do become an Islamic state, they are not a radical form.
We are giving them way to much reason to become a radical form as it is. Our actions, although some might think its not a big deal, (you know who you
are) are actually pushing democracy away from the people, and giving them a reason to hate us more than they already do.
Perhaps to win the hearts and minds we have to allow people to be as they want, and not as we want them to be.