posted on Feb, 5 2010 @ 09:35 AM
I always say that people who have not been suicidal at one point do not and can not understand it. They like to place blame on a variety of factors
when in reality it stems from one major thing.
No I am not talking about just literally being alone in a room by yourself, but the impounding feeling that has grown throughout the past couple of
decades where people feel so alone. You can have all the friends in the world but how many of them actually care about you? We've all heard the
saying about true friends and all that jazz, well it is true.
Not to mention, as someone else mentioned, the relationship between some children and parents. When the relationship becomes anything different than a
nurturing relationship, and turns into a forceful or demeaning relationship, the feeling of connection breaks within people and loneliness amplifies
10 fold.
Of anyone I have ever spoken to about suicide, who have been suicidal, every time it vented back to loneliness. Whether it be a relationship gone bad
and the impending feeling of never being with someone again, a family argument where nobody seems to understand your point of view, or a life of being
bullied, have very little friends, or being turned on by friends who you thought you could trust, all end up with the same factors.
For me personally, it was a factor of lack of friends I could trust, parents impending their wills upon me and disregarding my thoughts, and the loss
of a higher power in my life. I consider myself lucky that I caught myself before it was too late and found solace knowing that I am not alone.
It is harder for some people though. Sometimes there is no evidence that anyone or anything cares about your existence. To be in that situation, truly
in that situation like many people I have known were, like I myself was, you realize that you would rather die then to live alone.
Why do you think that some men, after being in prison for so long get released and commit suicide? When on the outside they are alone, literally. In
prison, there were at least bonds created, and the feeling that people cared about you enough to at least feed you on a daily basis.
It is the breakdown of humanity at the core, the desensitization of the populace, and the general uncaring attitude of people towards one another that
leads towards the suicidal trend. The only thing that prevented me from offing myself is an epiphany and setting a goal for myself to complete before
I die. Sometimes the thoughts return though not as bad as they were back then, but I have to constantly remind myself of why I am here.