posted on Jan, 9 2010 @ 09:42 AM
I don't know...,
I would have to say that given everything we know, from the agendas and testimonials of everyday common people, all the way up to retired generals and
others in the know ie. private corporate, pilots, geneticists and other scientists, etc.
As Mack points out, after hearing hundreds if not thousands of testimonials of folks in sound mental states, a pattern of truth emerges that can not
be denied. If the pattern points towards cosmic visitors interfering or interacting in our lives who am I with my limited experience and knowledge of
universal workings, to say naw must be some other psychological phenomenon. The almost impossible chances of cosmic visitors seems just as improbable
as the evolutionary conclusion we find ourselves in today here on Earth.
I read before here on ATS that there are those whose philosophy would dictate to them that; unless they could roll over the corpse in the rubble and
tug on his little half stache there is no way they are going to believe that Hitler committed suicide in his bunker.
Thousands of independent testimonials is way more than enough to prosecute and sentence criminals, why is this any different, especially when many
testimonials come from star expert witnesses in the know of their respective fields.