You are correct -- both science and religion are wrong -- and you even realize the reason why -- because of something in science called the
Time-Frequency Uncertainty Principle.
When you talk about the signal being out of phase -- well in fact that was the original paradox of measuring time as spatial distance.
You use the name "Sonata" -- well Western music is based on measuring time as spatial distance but it doesn't have to be this way.
So in nonwestern music the "circle of fifths" is an infinite spiral of fifths with 2:3 as the Perfect Fifth equaling C to G and 3:4 as the Perfect
4th equaling G to C. In other words "A x B does not equal B x A"
You find this same noncommutative math in quantum physics but the matrices are converted to classical physics so that there's a "one to one
correspondence" of letter and number or geometry and algebra.
In fact religion is ALSO based on left-brain logical axioms -- using a containment of infinity through geometry -- "I Am that I Am" is the formal
definition of God and actually comes from the Pythagorean Theorem. Professor Abraham Seidenberg documented this in his "Ritual Origins of Geometry"
research. So "I" is the base of the triangle as the concept of being on Earth while the hypotenuse is the eternal god as "Am" -- and the height
of the triangle is the sky is "I" again.
Anyway so what's the alternative? In Taoism 2:3 is yang and 3:4 is yin. Language is left-brain dominant but when we listen to music it is
right-brain dominant.
So when we listen to sound internally it resonates into ultrasound which then ionizes the electrochemicals of the lower body so that serotonin
bypasses the blood brain barrier which then turns into melatonin and then into '___'.
As we listen more further ionization creates electromagnetic fields which then turns the pineal gland into a piezoelectric transducer activated
through ultrasound and then we have a free energy feedback system.
This way the body turns into a spacetime travel machine by sitting in the full-lotus since it's a tetrahedron built up of 8 triangles of the ratio
2:3:4 complementary opposite harmonics.
The process of listening is eternal -- no one is listening -- consciousness is the resonance of complementary opposites. Both science and religion
are based on symmetric axioms which are just a byproduct of the left-brain dominance, cutting us off from full body-mind communication.
So through science and religion humans are trapped from their true potential of natural euphoria and the ability to create light when bends spacetime
and regenerates the body.
You can read my blog for more details and proof of this through testimonies and healing is from
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