posted on Jan, 7 2010 @ 07:06 PM
Originally posted by ZombieOctopus
Key to fighting obesity: Put down the fork.
You're welcome America.
...You dont have to put down the fork, infact, you can be a gluton if you want. Just not on the poison that surrounds us all that is called ironically
"food". Eating a crap load of little meals all day actually speeds up the metabolism, causing your body to burn more fat/lose weight. So you should
really eat more, just make sure there all very very very little fat. Fruits and vegs aint all bad, you just have to do something that is hard in the
process of gorging yourself,... Learn to cook! Infact, i lost all kinds of weight by just cooking everything myself, starting with things like bread,
and by doing this you X-out all the bad stuff in it, replacing the fat/chems/grossness/whatever with good tasting healthy stuff, but NOT canola or veg
oil, there horrible. (contrary to what kroger will tell you) Olive oil isnt bad, and cocount nut oil speeds up your thyroid gland which can make you
lose weight. Or so I have read, but I can't really conform that from personal use, as i don't really use it. Im thinking about it though. I do love
olive oil. I mean, just read any ingredients on anything in your house, and figure out how to make it. So you save $, lose excess weight, and have fun
making dinner with love added to the enjoyment of sharpening a very useful skill, ensted of eating garbage?
[edit on 7-1-2010 by genericname]