posted on Jan, 9 2010 @ 11:45 PM
For everyone asking about a larger (higher resolution) picture, he did say that he went into max zoom, which, on a cellphone, probably is digital.
Digital zoom has the downside of using the resolution itself to enlarge the subject of choice, effectively decreasing the size of the outcome.
Now I'm not a photographer, but I'd say that probably accounts for the small picture.
Also, that doesn't really look like a [paraglide]kite more than a floating piece of rock. But deeming from the probability of the both, a kite would
be the outcome, probably.
The edges look a bit too rugged and judging from the image the closest part of land looks a tad too far away from the kite for it to be attached.
Also worth noting is; If the object was big enough to be spotted with the naked eye, but far away enough to use zoom, wouldn't that object be fairly
big? That, or it's just close making the use of the zoom confusing.