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New With Gov/Insider Connections

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posted on Jan, 2 2010 @ 08:40 PM
Hello everyone.
I registered a little bit ago, but have been real busy with alot, including a recent move.
I like the site and most of the subjects and although I'm younger than many here, have been to a few countries, have a security clearance from a past job ansd currently work for a diplomat/politician.
I've had some serious talks recently with people and about much of what we all discuss and or read here.
I'm a live in CNA/Caregiver to keep money coming in but usually am a filmmaker and published writer. My CURRENT employer is someone I live with, and that gives me even more access to certain things. Random conversations, pc info [I do much writing and editint on the employers computer] and of course, the conversations, inebriated accidental [or intentional....?] slips and bits of info I get...had a recent reception with my employer where I received a business card from a certain individual interested in having his bio written as he had my card from someone and liked what he read/seen etc.
We began talking about the lame cuisine, to cars, to fashion and then we hit on some more serious topics, serious to me of course and serious and somewhat disturbing [judging from his facial expressions and sudden tone] to him.

I would VERY much like to speak with others, and discuss and act upon some info I have.
Face it, more than half of use are here for answers, expand our knowledge perhaps in some interesting area(s), but there is we little we know for certain, 100% fact etc.
I want to find people willing to fund and or come along on a specific expedition.

There are a number of topics I am fairly well versed in and or have knowledge of.
Things I only dreamed about years ago, combing through books, decipherment [or rather, the attempt] of messages and true to life accounts in episodes of the X-files etc. I have heard about specific locations for certain phenomenon, and much is actually in this site. Hearing such from someone in or with close ties to or who was in the governmemnt who is now a disillusioned person due to knowledge of cover=up for so long, leads me to believe it more than just reading it.
That being said, I know there are some older folk out here, reading now who can guide me, give me tips, and help me and others actually pursue some of what we want clarity and answers regarding.
Wow, I didn't intend for that to be such a winded "hello" but, tis me and tis my reason for being here mostly. Answers....[I'm not religiuous but I do recall the "book" claiming the Christ said the oh so "duh" phrase of "seek and ye shall find"...well of course see shall [maybe] find.....I think it's possible that we do.

Happy New Year again and cheers.

posted on Jan, 2 2010 @ 09:15 PM
You say you're younger than most here? I think the median age is about 19...anyway, welcome, give us what you got.

posted on Jan, 2 2010 @ 09:32 PM
reply to post by Pilot

Ha, well I'm almost 28, so my bad if I was wrong in that regard. Anyway, there are Stargates, time machines etc on the planet. Iraq has one, Jerusalem had one, [ask yourself why in the Bible the "ark" was constantly being stolen by the Israelites enemy armies...they said God traveled in it] Peru has more than one so I'm told and the Tibet region area has some. In the end [of what?] they connect with these religions and myths [supposed] and stories passed down for ages. But they all have similarities from the usual stuff we talk of, UFO's 'angels' and the likes, and everywhere they mention to me are such things, we see a religious connection and as much as I despise religion for the most part; could it be that some uneducated people did their best to somehow show us that there IS something there? Although warped through time, religion beginnings could have a small clue in much of this; after all religion is a means to control, by way of fear and what people don't understand. Ignore the religious angle to much of these foreign [to the US, as well as some spots here] and we can probably find clues, evidence and more to these mysteries. I personally want to head to some of these spots. Seriously!

posted on Jan, 2 2010 @ 09:37 PM
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Just a U2U away


posted on Jan, 2 2010 @ 09:46 PM
Let me get this absolutely straight in my mind.

You have seen or heard things while being in the employment of several different people.

You believe that, we members of ATS, would be interested in hearing this observed information.

Am I correct so far?

posted on Jan, 2 2010 @ 10:53 PM

Originally posted by dizziedame
Let me get this absolutely straight in my mind.

You have seen or heard things while being in the employment of several different people.

You believe that, we members of ATS, would be interested in hearing this observed information.

Am I correct so far?

Sure, why not???
More importantly, I want to find people with similar particular interest.
This board/site cover so much more as we all know, than just a subject.
I'm pretty much into the Stargate and ET stuff "past visitors" etc at this point.

posted on Jan, 2 2010 @ 10:53 PM

Originally posted by Oplexicon
reply to post by Pilot

as much as I despise religion for the most part; could it be that some uneducated people did their best to somehow show us that there IS something there? Although warped through time, religion beginnings could have a small clue in much of this;!

I suppose this could apply to me! Afterall,God uses the "foolish things to confound the wise"!

Welcome to ATS!

P.S.(It's no "small clue" the Bible gives...that and related books-Enoch,Jasher,...HUGE ANSWERS!)

Better yet,seek wisdom! I'm 46 and still ask God for insight every day!

posted on Jan, 2 2010 @ 11:12 PM

Originally posted by On the Edge

Originally posted by Oplexicon
reply to post by Pilot

as much as I despise religion for the most part; could it be that some uneducated people did their best to somehow show us that there IS something there? Although warped through time, religion beginnings could have a small clue in much of this;!

I suppose this could apply to me! Afterall,God uses the "foolish things to confound the wise"!

Welcome to ATS!

P.S.(It's no "small clue" the Bible gives...that and related books-Enoch,Jasher,...HUGE ANSWERS!)

Better yet,seek wisdom! I'm 46 and still ask God for insight every day!

Ha...Thank you for the welcome.
I feel comfy here so far.
Is there a way to email?

posted on Jan, 2 2010 @ 11:13 PM
reply to post by Oplexicon

You have insider info from politicos? I'm all ears.


posted on Jan, 2 2010 @ 11:23 PM
Hello and welcome! These subjects fascinate me!!!! Glad to have you aboard.

posted on Jan, 2 2010 @ 11:29 PM

Originally posted by Oplexicon

Originally posted by On the Edge

Originally posted by Oplexicon
reply to post by Pilot

Is there a way to email?

The U2U button!

posted on Jan, 2 2010 @ 11:30 PM
reply to post by Oplexicon

Your reason for dangling the carrot of "time machines" and "funding and accompanying me on expedition" is what. What is your intent.

posted on Jan, 2 2010 @ 11:41 PM

Originally posted by Night Star
Hello and welcome! These subjects fascinate me!!!! Glad to have you aboard.

Thank you.
They fascinate me as well.

In response to some peoples asking what my insider info is, some I can say for now is really that what some people have read and heard here is to me, even more worthy of checking into because people I know had access to these places and documents vouch for it.
The subjects came up without even me initiating interest whatsoever.
It all even makes so much sense when put together, granted there are pieces of the puzzle missing, but it's becoming clearer. Iraq is obviously a hotspot, so is Egypt but does that mean so much has been stolen from Egypt since we're not fighting there [or are we...?] as hard as in Iraq?

I was told for certain, Peru, the Middle East and spots in Tibet have such Stargates. Again, I saldy have to refer to the old Book, but Enoch....walked with testament of his death, rather his walk....Jesus saw moses in the mountain etc...I don't think these are even the suggested "alien" visitations but actual visitors from some other time via Stargates. They all happen to be in areas or spots where I was told are such gates. I've also heard alof of things even I consider silly and not probable but one never knows. All i know is, the info I have about where thse are said to be etc comes from generally credible people who have no reason to lie to me or any of us.
And why not look in these directions for clues?
I personally want to search these places. No reason not to.

We all [most, even in this economy] have jobs, obligations and families and or situations to handle and that's important. Children, career, job etc..Yes...important, but for those who can do something, I oft sit and wonder...why not now? It's like telling kids about a zoo for years and never taking them there.
In this case, it's not about seeing something for certain, but looking is what I personally want to do. Maybe I just need support, if anything in writing, peoples opinions, thoughts etc. Sure, it takes planning, but Cousteau never made his expeditions just sitting around. This is not meaning YOU personally who are reading this must get up and do something, I mean myself, in good health, prime if manhood, can travel the world, think and without family obligatuons; should pursue some things, with caution, with plan and tact.

What say thee?

posted on Jan, 2 2010 @ 11:48 PM

Originally posted by fmcanarney
reply to post by Oplexicon

Your reason for dangling the carrot of "time machines" and "funding and accompanying me on expedition" is what. What is your intent.

I want to find what some say exist.
These time machines and Stargates.
I'll take the risk of sounding foolish and even childish but I have done research in my years and feel strongly enough to want to seek out some of these places and things some say exist. I'm seeking any help and advice people can refer me too in my quest for knowledge and answers on these things.
This site and board are for that correct?
I'm hoping to speak with level headed yet open minds.

Time machines refer to somethings like the Ark of the covenant.
There is said to be on in the pyramid at Giza along with a Stargate.
A lot of this, like I said is here and online and in books and in scifi but along with other bits of news or info, the folks I know have vouched for much of what I thought was only likely, probable or maybe even fiction, like Stargates for example. Doesn't mean my informants are wrong, but I see no reason for them to deceive me in short, I'd like to look into much of what we all suspect or don't have hard facts for.
Answer your questions?

posted on Jan, 3 2010 @ 12:02 AM

Originally posted by Oplexicon

I want to find what some say exist.
These time machines and Stargates.
I'll take the risk of sounding foolish and even childish but I have done research in my years and feel strongly enough to want to seek out some of these places and things some say exist. I'm seeking any help and advice people can refer me too in my quest for knowledge and answers on these things.
This site and board are for that correct?
I'm hoping to speak with level headed yet open minds.

Time machines refer to somethings like the Ark of the covenant.
There is said to be on in the pyramid at Giza along with a Stargate.
A lot of this, like I said is here and online and in books and in scifi but along with other bits of news or info, the folks I know have vouched for much of what I thought was only likely, probable or maybe even fiction, like Stargates for example. Doesn't mean my informants are wrong, but I see no reason for them to deceive me in short, I'd like to look into much of what we all suspect or don't have hard facts for.
Answer your questions?

You may be interested in reading this thread Stargates are real

It is incredibly long thread, but it seems to be right up your alley

Welcome to ATS!

posted on Jan, 3 2010 @ 12:14 AM
Thank you.
I'll have a read.

posted on Jan, 3 2010 @ 09:11 AM
have you any actual proof of these stargates or is it just all hearsay

posted on Jan, 3 2010 @ 06:47 PM

Originally posted by digby888
have you any actual proof of these stargates or is it just all hearsay

Again, the whole point is to FIND evidence.
The fact people who I know have been around and have access to such documents and research, makes me want to at least give my suspicions, and beliefs and ideas a look.

posted on Jan, 4 2010 @ 06:07 AM
reply to post by Oplexicon

good stuff ill be keeping watch to see if any thing good comes out

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