posted on Jan, 9 2010 @ 11:01 AM
Yes, the New Testament supports a pacifist Messiah. Jesus captured the
old, outdated and dangerous thrasher-basher Messianic hope and turned it
on its head. The last NT book, Revelations is surely at odds with the
Messiah of the synoptics, the real Jesus. Read Dominic Crossan on this matter.
Jesus certainly represents a major, major paradigm shift away from the
ancient Jewish warrior king, Son of David. Thus, Jesus birth is shifted
by Jesus early disciples from Nazareth to Bethlehem - Jesus is portrayed
as the Son of David Messiah. Thereby Jesus and Christianity claim the
Messiah as their own. Not a killer King of the world but a humble suffering
servant. One who main weapon (:- ) is peace through justice.
The humble suffering servant that was crucified by the Romans
is the real Messiah. Look at the price tag on the cross - "King of the Jews."
This means, to my mind, the Real anti-christ of history is the Book of Revelations itself.
Historically, the Jewish elite opted for the status quo and the Warrior King
Messiah. Thus, in AD 132 a Jewish uprisings spread blood and carnage
through "the Holy Land." The Romans legions responded with savage fury.
The Jews were slaughtered by the thousands, if not millions. Jerusalem
was leveled and renamed. Jews were banned from entering the area.
Many Jews were scattered to all points of the compass. So much for that
kind of Messiah! Violent and irrational. And a major flaw in the Jewish
religion from the get go.
Yep, God loves them gentiles as much as
any child of Abraham. Why not?