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Rand Paul - "We Have Come to Take Our Government Back"

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posted on Jan, 1 2010 @ 01:10 PM
Rand Paul's press conference speech after officially filing to be on the ballot for the Republican primary for US Senate. Was in attendance at the Kentucky Republican Party Headquarters in Frankfort, KY on December 30th, 2010.

Hell yeah go Rand Paul

[edit on 1-1-2010 by OpTiMuS_PrImE]

posted on Jan, 1 2010 @ 01:17 PM
reply to post by OpTiMuS_PrImE

I watched a Tube about Rand about a year ago, (diff tube, no need to link)

This GUY is his Father's son. His convictions mirror Ron's, as many of

us who admire Ron could only hope for.

This is HOPE for the US by a Paul, I believe it will be Rand Paul.

posted on Jan, 1 2010 @ 01:18 PM
reply to post by Sean48

I totally agree i love them both i hope they kick some major ass this year.

posted on Jan, 1 2010 @ 01:36 PM
I hope he is joining the republican party because he realizes it is the most probable way of actually going somewhere in politics, rather than joining to follow the footsteps of our former mishaps.

And unlike Obama who says good things and does not follow up (I didn't believe a single word of his, I am just speaking for others), hopefully Rand Paul pushes the same bills and votes the same way as Ron Paul so then I will have a little bit more faith in him.

posted on Jan, 1 2010 @ 01:41 PM
reply to post by FritosBBQTwist

He is Republican did you not watch the video? Better believe it will be like father like son i can guarantee that

posted on Jan, 1 2010 @ 01:47 PM
reply to post by OpTiMuS_PrImE

I know that, sorry if my wording says otherwise.

What I meant is that I hope he changes the "republican view" instead of following it.

posted on Jan, 1 2010 @ 01:54 PM
reply to post by OpTiMuS_PrImE

Balanced Budget.

Term Limits.

Obey the Constitution.

Eliminate Pork.

Eliminate Career Politicians.

Eliminate Lobbyists.

Backing the Taxed Enough Already Movement (The REAL MOVEMENT).

What else can we ask for? But of course what was missing was the promises of free money and free health care and free TV's and free cars. /s

Gotta say-I am Loving it.

I will go to that thread now making predictions for 2010 and edit my post to say Rand wins by the largest margin in the last 100 years.

I will give 2 to 1 odds and will take all comers. Minimum 20 point margin of victory. ANY TAKERS?

posted on Jan, 1 2010 @ 02:20 PM
As the story goes for Forrest Gump, Run Forest Run. Rand Paul's election cry

should be Rand Paul Rand. Although Forrest Gump said, repeating what his

MaMa said, "Life is like a bunch of chocolates you never know what you're

gonna get". But In this case we know what we're gonna get with Rand Paul,

someone who is going to tell it like it is and a person that believes in, respects,

honors and will abide by the written Constitution Of The United States Of

America so help me God. ^Y^

[edit on 1-1-2010 by amari]

posted on Jan, 1 2010 @ 02:35 PM

Originally posted by endisnighe
reply to post by OpTiMuS_PrImE

Balanced Budget.

Obama said the same thing.

Term Limits.


Obey the Constitution.

They all say this. The problem comes when they try to actually interpret it or have an agenda that goes against it. Then, its simply called progress.

Eliminate Pork.

Obama said the same thing.

Eliminate Career Politicians.

He is one. Or is at least trying to become one. So is his father.

Eliminate Lobbyists.

Obama said the same thing.

Backing the Taxed Enough Already Movement (The REAL MOVEMENT).

If he wins, and sees the budget, this will change. There is no other place to get any money flowing in unless he literally stops all programs, reviews them all from the ground up, and only puts those programs deemed beneficial back into affect. McCain had the same idea and nobody liked it enough to vote him in. A lot of the waste and fraud comes from welfare and disability abuse. As soon as people hear that these programs are going to more stringently watched and prosecuted, nobody (not the majority) votes the candidate in for fear of missing a check.

What else can we ask for? But of course what was missing was the promises of free money and free health care and free TV's and free cars. /s

Hence why he's running on a Republican ticket. The freebies are usually more endorsed by Democrats.

I happen to like most of what Ron Paul says. Although I think the ramifications of auditing the Fed are largely overlooked. But I am getting more and more soured by politicians as a whole and especially family politics. I find it hypocritical to say that there should not be anymore career politicians when he is simply following in the coat tails of his father that happens to already BE a career politician. Further, I don't think the problem lies in it being a career but rather the inability to end ones career when the people want said politician ousted. With the right candidate, there is certainly a benefit to having been around for awhile and knowing the inner workings and circles in Washington. It's preventing that knowledge from corrupting them that is the real problem to me.

posted on Jan, 1 2010 @ 02:47 PM
So a career politician, who's the son of a career politician, is telling us that we need to take the government back from the career politicians.

Pretty standard Libertarian thought process there.

Paired with the usual career politician platitudes of how much he will do. if he's anything like his father, he'll just sit in the chair and vote no on everything - except pork for his own state.

Like his father, "Ayn" Rand Paul can give a good buzzword speech, and like his father, he's claiming backing from the most pig-ignorant sector of American society (Well, okay, I'm being unfair, I think Ron has a little more dignity than to fellate the "tea party" sorts quite so eagerly)

You want to take the country back? Start with these ignorant knuckleheads who think the government's job is to turn a profit.

posted on Jan, 1 2010 @ 02:56 PM

Originally posted by TheWalkingFox
So a career politician, who's the son of a career politician, is telling us that we need to take the government back from the career politicians.

Pretty standard Libertarian thought process there.

Paired with the usual career politician platitudes of how much he will do. if he's anything like his father, he'll just sit in the chair and vote no on everything - except pork for his own state.

Like his father, "Ayn" Rand Paul can give a good buzzword speech, and like his father, he's claiming backing from the most pig-ignorant sector of American society (Well, okay, I'm being unfair, I think Ron has a little more dignity than to fellate the "tea party" sorts quite so eagerly)

You want to take the country back? Start with these ignorant knuckleheads who think the government's job is to turn a profit.

Mods, copied entire quote to catch TWO BLATANT LIES BEFORE THEY GET EDITED.

1) A career politician? Rand is a doctor, just the same as his father. Yes Ron has been a politician for quite a few years. Also, I prefer doctors to lawyers.

2) Find me one damn vote that Ron has voted for pork.

Than a fallacy equating Rand with Ayn Rand. I find your post despicable and the usual affront that is so reminiscent of liberal pieces of ****.

Attack, Lie, Obfuscate, throw in some fallacy. You are a piece of work aren't you.

posted on Jan, 1 2010 @ 03:08 PM
reply to post by lpowell0627

When did the Messiah say anything about a balanced budget? I would like to see a video!

Show me where Obama stated he would follow the Constitution. Also I would like to see the video of Obama swearing to uphold the Constitution. Oh, that got flubbed and was held behind closed doors. That was probably the first time that ever happened.edit to add-ever see the despicable ones Rule of Law Speech where the Constitution burst into flames! Even Maddow found his utter contempt for law to be despicable.

Yes, Obama also said present quite a few times in his illustrious career.

Trying to become a career politician? Please explain.

As for balanced budget, I can only go by his past and associations. I think the father's voting history of absolute honesty and Rand's message is quite clear.

As for running on the Repub ticket, see what happened to the last Independant that ran against both parties. Was about to win and the Repub dropped out and endorsed the Dem.

We must use the system that is dealt us. Hope is almost dead, but not quite. Hope and Change have evil cannotations now, thanks to the despicable one. But hope may just find a way.

[edit on 1/1/2010 by endisnighe]

posted on Jan, 1 2010 @ 04:05 PM
Well lets hope he is a good fellow... There is good and bad to be found in anything you see, depending on your perspective of course. I hope the GOP can populate itself with new members that intend to counter act the long time members who have been complicit
in the current state of affairs. It take two to tango as we all know... I wish him well, even
if I might disagree with some of his ideological core beliefs. We CAN use all the good folks we can get -

posted on Jan, 1 2010 @ 04:21 PM

First, I want to congratulate you on your hypocrisy in calling me a liar and accusing me of attacking, obfuscating, and making fallacies...

then following immediately with a post about how "the messiah" will never uphold the constitution, never swore to do so, call him "the despicable one" and state that he has made hope and change "evil".

Are you for real?

At any rate... Ron Paul on pork:

Bringing the bacon home to his district to give handouts to the shrimp industry, renovate old theaters, you name it.

As for career politician? Dude's running for Senate, and I'm sure will keep running. His platform is that his dad is a congressman with name recognition, and he borrows old speeches from pa.

See what I said about Paul's pig-ignorant supporters? How do those shoes feel?

[edit on 1-1-2010 by TheWalkingFox]

posted on Jan, 1 2010 @ 10:31 PM
I thought this was great. If something good comes out of the Tea Party will be him.

He will automatically get support from those who support his father which is growing movement. It's not what the media is showing's a Populist movement. The only real one we have. Yes, Fox News tries to taint it and morph it into a Neo-con lovefest...but that isn't what it is at it's core.

If Rand Paul were to be my next President...and I think there is a chance to be honest...I can't say that I would be disappointed.

What many don't realize is that if Rand were to be elected President, most likely Ron Paul would have a powerful position in his son's administration.

I have hopes for this man. He may have the cajones to stand his ground and be honest. Hopefully the media doesn't try to destroy him.

posted on Jan, 2 2010 @ 03:00 AM

Originally posted by TheWalkingFox
then following immediately with a post about how "the messiah" will never uphold the constitution, never swore to do so, call him "the despicable one" and state that he has made hope and change "evil".

My actual responses-

Show me where Obama stated he would follow the Constitution.

Also I would like to see the video of Obama swearing to uphold the Constitution. Oh, that got flubbed and was held behind closed doors. That was probably the first time that ever happened.edit to add-ever see the despicable ones Rule of Law Speech where the Constitution burst into flames! Even Maddow found his utter contempt for law to be despicable.

Does the Messiah or the Despicable One (Names)anger you? How about the Baby Eater Bush? Either one will go down in history as the worst presidents in American History.

Keep backing your Two Headed Snake.

At any rate... Ron Paul on pork:

Bringing the bacon home to his district to give handouts to the shrimp industry, renovate old theaters, you name it.

Very good-you would have actually got a star from me if that was the only thing in your comment. So I was wrong on the pork, good for you! How is Ron about Rand, Oh I see, you have to attack on what you can. Lie enough to make it seem real.

Are you part of the Dem Party?

As for career politician? Dude's running for Senate, and I'm sure will keep running. His platform is that his dad is a congressman with name recognition, and he borrows old speeches from pa.

Nice Back Pedal here-cannot admit when you are wrong?

See what I said about Paul's pig-ignorant supporters? How do those shoes feel?

Another attack!

So, the Two Headed Snake is here doing their SOP

If you cannot use the Truth.



edit to fix quotes

[edit on 1/2/2010 by endisnighe]


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