posted on Jan, 1 2010 @ 08:18 AM
You know... there is a lot of bizarre and yet interesting inventions that have come out of this whole "Global Warming" hoax. Remember, there must
first be a "problem", in order to come up with a "Solution". With out these ideas... we wouldn't have: LED's, Electric Cars, Solar Panels,
Frictionless Wind Turbines, High Efficiency, Light Bulbs, Fuel from Water, Bio-Mass, Geo-Thermal Power and Heat, etc...
So... I guess there is something good that came out of this hoax. Maybe an engineered crisis is actually good for us to evolve into more efficient
people. Wow, can't believe I'm saying that... but in a way; there really is order from chaos.
(Just typing and thinking out loud)
Let me know what you think...
Toilets That Separate Pee For Urea-Hydrogen Fuel Harvesting Already on Market
Source: Clean
Botte developed a cheap new nickel-based electrode that was able to selectively and efficiently oxidize urea to break apart the molecule to get
hydrogen out. Not only was the electrode cheaper, but by using urea instead of water, she got twice the hydrogen at a third of the effort.
Only 0.37 volts were needed to strip urea’s four hydrogen atoms because they are not as tightly stuck together as the two hydrogen atoms in water.
So: hydrogen fuel breakthrough.
But first urine needs to be separated. And harvested. And put on the market.
Edit for... well... couldn't make up my mind... LOL
[edit on 1/1/2010 by x2Strongx]
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[edit on 1/1/2010 by x2Strongx]