posted on Dec, 31 2009 @ 01:51 AM
Its time to straighten those pants and roll up your sleeves. Your on a journey, what you see with your senses, what you feel in your presence, this
is your life.
Wow I'm alive
Everything in this world is mine
As is yours
Wow I'm alive,
Who am I,
A question that is too complicated to answer but one that makes sense to all living creatures,
We are complicated and complicating beings, there is no success, there is only sex
There is no immortilization, there is
This is our common link, the bond that ties us together, who we are as what we see as we are.
You will not understand and that means you will not gain the full knowledge that is required to go with me. Where I go all is in existance, as you
whom join me, you are me, who are you?
Double meaning words make little sense, to those that are senseless.
- --
Something fuels me, strength, anger, frustation, pain, love, trust, honest, caring, gentle, fierce, powerful, egotistical, self fixing.
The reason I'm alive is the same reason I live.
Put those words into your mind and see the swirling mass moving in cohesive action being displayed as you. See how it interacts with you and how each
little every part of your being reacts with each part in you... Now you have but a fraction of the true meaning of the world and the word
Awareness is not knowing your alive, but it is the knowing of every W to the Z of what you are, as you see in what your doing,. Most people are not
even past the part of looking at why they do things, and this is changing as we speak.
Everyone has a triggle that will activate it. It is through your emotions.
The issue is that some people will stop and freeze up for a good time unable to cope or make sense and understand, which might leave them more shut
off and colder than before. I'm leaving not so much a prediction but a prophecy of our true legacy. And for those who choose to accept it. If you
do not accept it, you are simply not aware of yourself because it is you who you left alone. So great truths will disrupt you. You should not be
able to bear it, if you do not accept it.
Its like being stripped naked in the freezing cold.
Think not
Living in the outside world is like looking through a very small window that somone eles has took upon him/herself to actively change what you see
through the stain glass because the colors and the glass descriptions change every day. They don't change you, nothing can. You do that yourself,
based on what you see, not knowing how it is being manipulated at great lengths.
That is not living., you copy and emulated what you see, this is the very definition of the word child. Its time to grow up.
I'm sad to see the lack that we create with no mind in a cycle of insane emotions that we allow without knowing or understanding why. That is why,
becuase we don't know why.
Face yourself
Look at yourself
Trust yourself
Love yourself, yourself loves you.
You are not alone.
You never were alone.
Your just turning a blind eye to yourself and also everyone eles.
You don't know any better, many are insane.
Insanity is a contageous sickness of the world
Because the people who create the window borders are truly insane.
And people are insane for following that which is not ourselves
You cannot blame anyone but yourself.