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Freedom Demands: Not One More Inch

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posted on Dec, 30 2009 @ 06:51 PM
At the beginning of this great nation our founding fathers fought for freedom, and then in a few short years they had to fight for this nation's right to remain free. Our forefathers discovered what it was like to finally be free and then to have those freedoms challenged. Though this nation and our concepts where young, that threat to our freedom stirred the people of this great nation once again. But it wasn’t easy, only through dogged determination did our Country remain free. Yet, I must ask here and now, to what end? So we can be defeated by the evils of socialism and its unholy alliance with fascism within our own borders… To watch our freedoms and our souls sold out to the highest bidder. Has this nation completely forgot who we are and what our destiny is.

If you ask those destroyers in Washington they will laugh as they nod their collective heads. They believe we are weak, that we are to lazy to stand for our right to remain free. Well I reject that completely, completely!

You know, I was at the zoo not so long ago, and I recently had a dream about it. As I looked into one of those captured creatures eyes, I had a sense that I could see our Nation within its sadness. I believe that animal understood what it meant to be free, only to lose its freedoms off the actions of others. I could picture in the beginning that animal must’ve believed if it fought hard enough it would be free once again. Yet standing in a sea of loneliness that creature began to lose hope. And then as the years passed, freedom must’ve seemed like a dream, like something it once tasted that wasn’t even real. As I saw our nation within its eyes, I wonder how far from hopelessness we truly are. And I felt very alone.
Yet when I realize I was not, that you are not… the fact that I allowed those destroyers to force that illusion into my mind, and into our nations psyche. That some how they’ve been able to make us believe that horrific lie. When I awoke from that dream with that thought still fresh in my mind, that thought angered me, and it was that thought that has stirred me to action. That thought lit a fire within my soul forcing me to scream into that evil darkness, you will not! Freedom will not die in our time, Freedom will shine brightly once again from sea to shinning sea. I believe that, and that is why I stand before you today.

To those destroyers of our Constitution, to those takers of our Freedoms in Washington, We the People must say no more… We must come together my fellow Americans and demand you will not! We must come together and demand they can not sell our souls out to the highest bidder. Those destroyers in Washington have already stolen this country’s wealth, not once, not twice... not once, not twice, but three times in one year… They gave our National Treasure away, they placed the mistakes of big business upon the backs of our Children three times now. And now they’re planning to do it again. Can you believe that, the same evil people who are systematically trying to destroy this nation's economy, who are now stealing this entire Nations wealth from our Children. Stealing our Treasure, indebting our children with a dept they can never repay. They are planning on doing it again... Will you remain silent, will you not stand up. I assure you that you are not alone. We must come together my fellow Americans, and tell our Government we will not bend not one more inch.

They truly believe we are that lazy, I ask, are they right?

They have already stolen our treasure and we did nothing, nothing! Like you, I was guilty of keeping my head down, staying focused on the lie, that if I just kept working real hard, everything will work itself out. And then they did it again, and then again, and now they are threatening to do yet it again. Over twenty million Americans are out of work because of Corporate Greed, and they want to give those bastards another trillion dollars. Are you kidding me. Stand up America, Stand up… Not one more inch!

Yet it doesn’t end there, can you believe it. They have already stolen our children’s future, and now those same destroyers who have weakened this country economically… who are trying to throw this nations future away off their own personal greed… They demand… they demand it is our fault and that is why we must pay? I beg your pardon… Those same takers in Washington continue to pass laws, that we aren’t even allowed to read, that they have shoved down our throats… That they have made it so We The People lose? How the hell is that right, how the hell does that work? It only worked because we have believed we are alone! Those same destroyers of our Future and our Children’s Future are now after our Souls. They are but one vote away from giving the Federal Government control over our very health. The Government that has sold this nation out to big business, put their mistakes onto our backs, our children’s backs, and now they want control over our very souls. It is time to stand up America, it’s time to stand up and say, You will not, you can not, we will not bend not one more inch. We need to stand up and say on every corner, in every building and on Every Mountain top, You will not! And so help us, if you disobey WE THE PEOPLE there will be hell to pay! Stand up America, Stand up! The time is now, Stand up, Stand up, Stand up!

Now, lets get to work!

--Charles Marcello

posted on Dec, 30 2009 @ 06:55 PM
I'll give you props on the speech it was pretty good, be nice if people would get in gear but sadly i think they have been eating to much fast food and gotten to lazy, lets hope not though.

posted on Dec, 30 2009 @ 08:11 PM
Great post

It makes me smile to see that there are still people out there that are willing to fight not just take whatever is given to them.

posted on Dec, 30 2009 @ 08:33 PM
The question is, who is going to answer the call? How many of you would pledge yourself to something greater than the armchair insurrection? I think too many people have used the excuse "well everyone is too fat, lazy, complacent." maybe its time to hold people accountable, encourage people choose a side. Another question to those who feel they are capable to go beyond convenience, comfort, and safety, will you? Will you really be ready to give up the little lies of life, the big tv, the expensive computer, and protect those you love, your wife, your children, your neighbors, your country. And if you are really ready to do these things, why haven't you? Why don't you?

posted on Dec, 31 2009 @ 03:03 AM

Originally posted by Ghost in the Machine
Great post

It makes me smile to see that there are still people out there that are willing to fight not just take whatever is given to them.

I honesty believe there are tens of millions of us who are still willing to fight to keep our freedoms, they just don't know they are NOT standing alone yet! But they will, soon!

--Charles Marcello

posted on Dec, 31 2009 @ 03:12 AM

Originally posted by Aziroth
... And if you are really ready to do these things, why haven't you? Why don't you?

Like I stated in my above post, I believe most people don't know they are not alone. It is our duty as freedom loving Americans to talk to our family and friends. Let them know when Congress passes that outrageous slave, I mean health bill, that all they need to do is take a day off of work and go to their local government office. Just meet there. Just stand there all day! It doesn't need to be truly organized, people just need to go there and stand. If people start spreading that message then We the People will create a very simple statement, and no one needs to say one word in protest... Just being there speaks volumes… Especially as all those people look around, because they will talk to each other, and things will start to change. Simply just by showing up and knowing with complete certainty, WE ARE NOT ALONE!

And then, the movement begins in earnest! If people just get the word out, I would guarantee things will… they will change.

--Charles Marcello

[edit on 31-12-2009 by littlebunny]

posted on Dec, 31 2009 @ 03:13 AM
Fine speech sir! I back you 100% Long live our republic! Let's go people! Let's get these elitist scum out of our government! Whatever it takes folks. For yourself, your family, everybody, we must do everything we can!

posted on Dec, 31 2009 @ 03:51 AM
Well I think you are going off half cocked if you do not include WAL STREET or it might be
destroy the enablers and leave the crooks... Part of the unholy alliance and the funders of our jobs, manufacturers of our goodies, transplanters of our jobs, manipulators of our money, beneficiaries of our fear

[edit on 31-12-2009 by Janky Red]

posted on Jan, 1 2010 @ 11:51 PM

Originally posted by Janky Red
Well I think you are going off half cocked if you do not include WAL STREET or it might be
destroy the enablers and leave the crooks...

I'm pretty sure I spent a good portion of my letter/speech talking about those people who helped destroy our economy and stole our money. And that our Congress is selling We The People out to the highest bidder. Those bastards are those who took the money from us so they can have a do over, while Millions of Americans suffer the loss of everything because of their greed, and those bastards in Congress who stole/sold us out... who are now trying to do it again, and steal our souls at the same time with their healthcare scam. So, perhaps your analyst was half cocked. Just sayin!

--Charles Marcello

[edit on 1-1-2010 by littlebunny]

posted on Jan, 2 2010 @ 12:01 AM
I'm tired of excuses from people.

I'm tired of half-arsed dedication.

I will show what true dedication is.

This year the government and the people WILL open their eyes. I will see to that personally if it means my dying breath.

posted on Jan, 2 2010 @ 12:15 AM
reply to post by littlebunny

"Not One More Inch" was what the Haudenosaunee used as a rallying cry when your "freedom loving" founding fathers insisted on trying to steal more land from them. it was revived in this century when more "freedom loving" men and women tried again.

Your nation's ancestors did not fight for high ideals like "freedom". Freedom was just over the western borders of the colonies, know what happened to free men or slaves who sought it out? They were hunted down, beaten, imprisoned, and sometimes even killed for "going savage".

Your nation's ancestors fought for personal gain. The majority of them were slaveowners and land thieves who did not like the notion of cutting their exploitative profit with the lords and king of England. So they fomented a rebellion to break ties with England in order to maximize their personal gain. They then put themselves in charge of the new government in order to maintain control of the situation and write out further laws to protect themselves, dissolve future rebellions, and as always, maximize profit at minimal cost.

You want what you never had. You do not even understand what it is you want. You've never tasted freedom, and you never will, because you refuse to understand what freedom is. You see people of a different color or religion or political party than you and you feel oppressed, and believe that only people of your color, religion, or politics will bring you this prize, this freedom.

I have a little secret for you.

You are already free. You were born that way. Every man, woman, and child on the face of this world is free. It's just that you do not allow yourself to understand it, because the idea of total freedom scares you - or perhaps like so many other Americans, you want your freedom but don't want others to have theirs?

Either way.

posted on Jan, 2 2010 @ 12:27 AM
Free my a$$ , I lost my freedom the day I was given my SS number. And I am not a free american as I fear unannounced incarceration every day of my life. Want to guess why?

This country is too far gone. We had a chance and blew it in 08, I hope all that Change is worken out for ya..

posted on Jan, 2 2010 @ 01:35 AM
reply to post by TheWalkingFox

What are you going on about? Oh wait, you're complaining that The United States was created the exact same way every other Nation on this planet was... by force and assimilation. For better or worse, Its called human history.

Psst, but I gotta secret for ya that you just might recognize...

You are already free. You were born that way. Every man, woman, and child on the face of this world is free. It's just that you do not allow yourself to understand it, because the idea of total freedom scares you...

Except, we are in real danger of becoming slaves in our time to the Federal Government, not to mention the horrible future our Government is guaranteeing our Children and their children’s children... And I take great offense to your last line that I purposely left out of your above statement… I'm worried about everyone's freedom, even those to lazy or to corrupt with their me me me concepts to understand they are dancing with the devil.

--Charles Marcello

posted on Jan, 2 2010 @ 02:11 AM
I wholeheartedly agree with everything you have said. And I proudly proclaim my allegiance to the personal liberties and freedoms governed by the original constitution of the United States of America! And for that fact, the god given freedoms that any person should have, simply for just being born.

But the question I ask you.... Because I have been exactly in your shoes... What next? What do you suggest we do to rightfully proclaim our place in this world? Obviously, legislation and empowerment through voicing our opinions is a great idea. And I am strongly against ensuing our objectives through violence... But really, what do you suggest? I mean, I definitely have some ideas of my own, but I would be more interested in hearing your's first....

[edit on 2-1-2010 by xX aFTeRm4Th Xx]

posted on Jan, 2 2010 @ 04:45 PM

Originally posted by xX aFTeRm4Th Xx
What next? What do you suggest we do to rightfully proclaim our place in this world? Obviously, legislation and empowerment through voicing our opinions is a great idea. And I am strongly against ensuing our objectives through violence... But really, what do you suggest? I mean, I definitely have some ideas of my own, but I would be more interested in hearing your's first....

[edit on 2-1-2010 by xX aFTeRm4Th Xx]

What is needed.

Well, the first thing that is needed is what we see happening within this forum. We need serious people sitting down and talking... and having serious conversations about what kind of changes we need to regain our freedoms, and how we can protect those Freedoms for future generations. As we can see in this thread, “If the Conservative Movement Succeeds Then What, My Response”, when people slow down and start looking for answers they aren’t that hard to find. I would caution, concepts cannont be all things to all people. Some people like the fact they can take from others, or like some of what is wrong with this country now.. so they will want to water down, or remove completely… concepts, ideas, laws, that will prevent that from happening. So starting a list is the first step.

Second, we need to find leaders (plural) within the movement. These leaders are not the final say, they are simply a place where people can organize the thoughts of our citizens. In a nation with over 300 million people, and a movement that will have at least 50 million of that number ready to march. There is simply not enough time for everyone to speak. So what is needed is a balace among the leaders. From the right of center to center right. With those from the center left and left of center who believe in Capitalism and the Constitution. We need to find that balance, with people who are serious about saving this country from the evil of Socialism and its unholy alliance with Fascism. (Notice I didn’t say Far-Right or Far-Left.)

And last but curtaintly not least.

Money: We don’t need someone like Soros to fund this movement, hardly. But we do need enough money to guarantee those leaders can be fully involved and completely concerned with what is mentioned above. Without those people being able to pay the bills for the lives they are putting on hold, life has a way of helping people ver from creating that change we desperately need. So we would need to find those people who understand what is happening to our country is evil and wrong, who are willing to sacrafic some of their personal wealth to help protect our freedoms and our Childrens future. It doesn’t need to be much, just enough to get those five to thirteen people together, so they can move about the country organizing. Once it begins the money will come from other Americans who understand how important this movement is.

I could spend half the day boring everyone with my thoughts, so above is a quick outline of what I believe is needed to begin that organized movement to fix what is horrifically wrong with this country, and protect our childrens future. It only takes days for part one, a month or two for part two, and part three can be found within that same time period.

--Charles Marcello

[edit on 2-1-2010 by littlebunny]

posted on Jan, 3 2010 @ 12:42 PM
reply to post by xX aFTeRm4Th Xx

Still waiting for your reply to this.....

posted on Jan, 3 2010 @ 12:48 PM
Could someone summarize? I don't feel like reading several rambling paragraphs about freedom from someone who was sitting in an easy chair in a heated home while doing so, posting their little thoughts on ATS like it actually accomplishes anything.

Let me guess the summation: We're getting screwed. But everyone is too fat, too lazy, and too stupid to anything. So this is some idiotic call to arms that means nothing and in a few days will be completely forgotten. Am I right?

posted on Jan, 3 2010 @ 12:53 PM
reply to post by CuriousSkeptic

Its just another "Call to Arms " thread , get about 2 a day

Nobody will do anything about anything.

The American people have been getting it from behind so much, they

actually enjoy it now, and cry when its not given

posted on Jan, 3 2010 @ 02:13 PM

Originally posted by littlebunny
reply to post by TheWalkingFox

What are you going on about? Oh wait, you're complaining that The United States was created the exact same way every other Nation on this planet was... by force and assimilation. For better or worse, Its called human history.

Except, we are in real danger of becoming slaves in our time to the Federal Government, not to mention the horrible future our Government is guaranteeing our Children and their children’s children... And I take great offense to your last line that I purposely left out of your above statement… I'm worried about everyone's freedom, even those to lazy or to corrupt with their me me me concepts to understand they are dancing with the devil.

Your own words prove you to be a liar and a hypocrite, littlebunny. You applaud the use of force and theft to conquer other peoples, and then state you worry for everyone's freedom. You also have an issue with someone else using force and theft to conquer you.

Go back to sucking your teabags.

posted on Jan, 3 2010 @ 06:07 PM

Originally posted by TheWalkingFox

Your own words prove you to be a liar and a hypocrite, littlebunny. You applaud the use of force and theft to conquer other peoples, and then state you worry for everyone's freedom. You also have an issue with someone else using force and theft to conquer you.

Go back to sucking your teabags.

You sir, or whatever, are an idiot! A complete moron who doesn't understand the written word or the concepts behind those words. I can't do anything about human history... I can only worry about the future, for the love of peter, paul and all the other disciples, go back to smoking your peace pipe or whatever the hell it is you are smoking that makes you so damn obtuse!

--Charles Marcello

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