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"Are we slaves to the Internet?" Today, this question really hits home for me

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posted on Dec, 31 2009 @ 04:44 PM
All photographers retain copyright *in the US* unless otherwise agreed to. I have clients I sell unlimited rights to(which means they can do anything want with the photos beyond selling them to a third party) Which is pretty much the same thing many wedding photographers are doing when they give a CD with all the photos on it

I am very upfront with all my policies and rarely have someone unhappy with them. I am not the photographer for everyone and there is 1,000,587 of people that are, or pretend to be photographers in my area alone.

Usually, CD photographers who are inexpensive and will say they give you copyright, well, they are worth pretty much the cheap fee. At least in my opinion

There are plenty to choose from! Just like most other professions.

posted on Dec, 31 2009 @ 09:54 PM
I say anyone using torrents better get their fill while it lasts and stash everything they want to keep on an external hard drive or flash drive.

Music and information should be free. Bands should make their money from performing, which most of them already do.

Paying for music and information is only making corporations fat, and greedy corporations need to die. They're at least half the problem with this country today. If they aren't gouging you for gas they're gouging you for plastic discs and ebooks.

posted on Mar, 11 2010 @ 02:58 PM
reply to post by llpoolej

so if you take a nude picture of someone's wife (her husband paid you) she doesn't have the copyright and you pretty much can do anything with that picture just because you took it?

there's seriously something wrong with the world

posted on Mar, 11 2010 @ 03:04 PM
doesn't it bother you people that the singers, performers, actors, don't own the copyright but the corporations do like Sony etc.? all the money goes to them, that is why they are so freaked out about P2P

a singer should own the copyright, not a company, it's his damn voice on the f***g CD

same if someone photographed me and claimed he OWNS the copyright
it's MY DAMD pic, I'M ON IT!!!!!

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