posted on Dec, 29 2009 @ 11:08 AM
As well all know, the policy of the American govt has been for years "Don't rock the boat of the American People."
Because of this policy, if anything that could be potentially threatening to our mental state of "nothing can touch us" needs to be unveiled, it is
done so in a very planned out way where we receive only fragments of info at a time.
Much like you never notice yourself aging from day to day, but notice how young you look in 10 year old photos of yourself, we Americans would be
amazed at how far we've come in terms of what we've accepted.
IMHO this will never change. This is the way it works for them, so why fix what's not broken?
So if they do declare martial law at some point and time, we can be guaranteed that it will be be done in a similar fashion.
So my question is, what will it take? If we are being spoon fed this crap forever, and it's easier for you to sit by and just keep eating, what will
it take for you to say, "No more, thanks."
And if you do decide to raise your hand to opt out from the mashed peas, what will you do then? Arm up? Peaceful protests? Throw out the tube? Leave
the country?
I have no idea myself, so I figured I'd pose this question to the great community here at ATS.
What do you think?