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Ben Stein calls Ron Paul Antisemitic on Larry King

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posted on Dec, 29 2009 @ 02:29 PM
Until now I had respected Ben Stein's opinion however much I may disagree with it, and I do often disagree with it, because he appeared to be at least somewhat educated and honest. However, he cannot honestly believe that Ron Paul is anti-semitic, unless he is ignorant and I don't believe that he is. So that would make him dishonest at the very least or as I suspect, holds the interests of Israel superior the interests of America. I don't believe he is as smart as we are lead to believe either.

Furthermore, why is it that being just an American is not enough for anyone these days? My ancestors were from England but I don't claim to be nor must everyone else acknowledge me as an "English-American." Frankly, I haven't yet heard of too many Asian-Americans or Australian-Americans, etc. You are either American or you are something else. What we need is for the "minorities" to take a cue from the "majority" and stop making it a necessity to point out theirs or someone else's ethnicity when it is to their advantage. If I were to do this myself I would no doubt be immediately dubbed a racist. The race card, like religion "is the last refuge of a man without an argument" to make. George Carlin

posted on Dec, 29 2009 @ 02:35 PM
reply to post by ModernAcademia

Ben Stein was wrong.


They hate us because we represent freedom, democracy, and non-theocratic government. Period.

posted on Dec, 29 2009 @ 02:43 PM
reply to post by Berens

I have to ask just one question. Have you ever met anyone in your life that "hates freedom?" I think this is a rather ridiculous notion that someone would hate having choices so much that it would make sense to kill those who have choice. Doesn't it seem to make more sense that they hate us for the reasons they actually give for hating us, namely: theft of resources, occupation of territory, assassination of political leaders, fixing elections, corruption of elected officials, murder, poisoning, etc? If you would like proof of such claims you could start by reading The Revolution by Ron Paul because he actually takes the time to cite something called evidence for his claims.

posted on Dec, 29 2009 @ 02:49 PM
I think Ben Stein says things sometimes to just make an impression on people.

I don't blame him for being edgy. I get yelled at for supporting Israel because my family is there, I get yelled at for being born Jewish, I get yelled at for being an atheist, I get yelled at for supporting communism as an ideology, I get yelled at for having curly hair and glasses and not looking like a model, I get yelled at for having a lot of money, I get yelled at because I'm upset that my dad has a PhD from and Ivy school and has been unemployed for years and idiots are out there making millions, I get upset because I'm a tiny person and people think I'm like, twelve.

And I'm cuter than Ben Stein so I'm sure he gets all sorts of additional stresses. Everyone is edgy these days.

posted on Dec, 29 2009 @ 02:53 PM
reply to post by ravenshadow13

May I ask why you support communism?

posted on Dec, 29 2009 @ 02:56 PM

Originally posted by Berens
reply to post by ModernAcademia

Ben Stein was wrong.


They hate us because we represent freedom, democracy, and non-theocratic government. Period.

You do not represent anything to do with freedoms. you blow up weddings as it makes you feel good. You take away peoples rights all over this world, and there freedoms.

Then you expect your own government to make sure your free while you want them to blow up weddings and children all over the world.

People do not hate you for your freedoms, they hate you for what your country does.

Tell me why in europe people hate america, it has the same rights virtually as you. they hate your country because you go around blowing people up, and torturing people. then you say bull like we are for freedoms, while imposing your ideas on others, with force and absolute force.

America did not win ww2 like you where taught, you do not win a world war for being good, you win because you are the worst and you do the most horrible things imaginable to innocent people.

You americans have no idea, of what america did to win ww2. You think its like the ww2 films, and america was the good guys, lol. Do you really think you won that terrible war, by being good?

[edit on 12/29/2009 by andy1033]

posted on Dec, 29 2009 @ 03:20 PM

Originally posted by Berens
reply to post by ModernAcademia

Ben Stein was wrong.


They hate us because we represent freedom, democracy, and non-theocratic government. Period.

So it's got nothing to do with the bombings in Yemen, gotcha. Let's just ignore what the man claimed his motive was. I agree. Why establish motive when you can just make one up?
I can't ignore the fact that if there were Canadian terrorists, and they attacked or planned to attack another country, I would be against them, but when innocent Canadian civilians began dying in the thousands, I would most likely become a terrorist myself. However in my mind, I'd be fighting for my country.
The USA et al are occupying middle east nations like it's a freaking game of dominoes. Problem, reaction, solution has become so transparent that it is impossible to ignore. Sticking their nose in one after the other, testing and manipulating public opinion at every step.

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