posted on Dec, 27 2009 @ 10:06 PM
So go ahead. Convince me to stock up on non-perishables and start living in my basement
It shouldn't take a end of times prophecy for you to make this move. We should all stock up and live in a basement, it doesn't even have to be your
own basement, just pick a random house, and move in
I have a good feeling 2012 Dec 21st will be one hell of a day, mainly because all the panic or people that do believe the world will end. Just like on
Y2K milk will be unavailable at any store
On another note, the world will end eventually, why not then, it's just as good as any other day... except for 5 billion years from now.... that's
when you really should start panicking!
To keep on your topic, sorry but probably opinionated, if everyone around you thinks the world is coming to an end, it's probably wise to stock up on
unperishables, just because there going to be taking them all, and well when you go to the store... it could cost you your first born, or it just
won't be there.
I've got 300 pounds worth of frozen pop-tarts.... just in case.
[edit on 27-12-2009 by Republican08]
For further information, yes the poptarts are brown cinnamon sugar.... they just have to be...
[edit on 27-12-2009 by Republican08]