posted on Jan, 10 2010 @ 01:46 PM
for all those who do support a NWO think about this, who is going to set it up? Current world leaders are. Now dont we have a lot of problems with the
current leaders like corruption, greed, war mongering..etc? Yes we do. That is on top of the worlds ever decreasing state of well being. Could a NWO
be good, yes, will it be good, not likely. There are too many problems with world leaders and putting them all in one room is just going to make
things worse. Now there is the arguement that we can replace theses leaders..but who would do it and how would you do it? You cant just remove them,
and they are in control of such things. If i asked you too give up your high income career and seat of power so we can replace you would you? I know i
wouldnt, and i bet most people wouldnt.