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Ginny Carr's 9/11 video, 2 separate impact noises, proof of pre-impact basement explosions?

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posted on Dec, 27 2009 @ 06:07 AM
Hey ATS, I did an extensive search for this one and was surprised when nothing came up.

I won't be surprised if it has been covered here but for some reason I came up blank.

The audio in the video below is from a meeting that Ginny Carr was attending on the morning of 911. Two explosions can be heard, approximately 9 seconds apart. She was in a meeting at 1 Liberty Plaza.


I couldn't find any YouTube videos of this so I had to upload it myself from the Loose Change 9/11: An American Coup video which you can watch in full HERE.

(click to open player in new window)

This is a very interesting video.

We can deduce several things straight away.

-The lack of sirens and sounds of commotion before the initial explosion tell us this is the first impact (Flight 11) into the North Tower.

-There are definitely two separate explosions, approximately 9 seconds apart.

I'm still undecided about what these TWO explosion are. Obviously one of them is the plane hitting the WTC, but the other??

I really want this to go a long way to proving William Rodriguez right. But I'm open to any other reasonable explanations ATS!

So we COULD be hearing an initial sub ground level explosion, followed by the impact of a jet liner some 90 stories up. This makes sense as the initial noise does sound muffled as if it were below ground.

The second noise sounds to me like it is above ground, and is travelling through open air, to my ears it sounds comparable to the noise made when the second plane hit (shattering glass and impact of plane on building)
But here are some other explanations from the top of my head.

-The initial sound is the impact of the plane, 9 seconds late debris from the building/plane hit the ground. The nine 9 seconds is important here as that is approximately how long we are told an object would take in free fall to hit the ground from that height.

-The first sound is the THUD of the explosion and the second is perhaps the recording device being disturbed or some other extraneous noise source to do with a reaction to the impact.

Just before the first noise, which is obviously more muffled than the second, I hear what could either be a woman's voice, but could also be the whine of the plane approaching, I'm really not sure. If it were the plane approaching that would seem to disprove the basement level explosion theory.

I'll open this up to ATS now, apologies if this video has been flogged to death, like I said I searched the titles, ATS in general (using search) and came up blank.

All the best, Kiwifoot!

[edit on 27-12-2009 by kiwifoot]

posted on Dec, 28 2009 @ 05:22 PM
Problem in New York is the numerous tall buildings play havoc with sounds
Serving to channel some sounds, block others, and causing echos
depending on where sound originated from, what buildings were in vicinity

posted on Dec, 28 2009 @ 07:26 PM
reply to post by kiwifoot

Yes, this proves the government lied to the American people, and tried to cover it up.
This alone supports what William Rodriguez was saying.

9/11: Eyewitnesses Describe WTC Basement Explosions

Eye Witness Testimony Is Conclusive That North Tower Collapsed From Controlled Demolition
By Greg Szymanski – The Arctic Beacon June 24, 2005

My opinion is, some people in our government blew up the WTC this was a false flag operation, and blamed a foreign country. Bush and Cheney got their war of aggression and these wars will never end.

Our own government is creating,& causing terrorism. People around the world want to kill American because we are blown up countries that had nothing to do with 911, nothing. What did they expect? Now they are boarding planes in Amsterdam probably because security was not that great and snuck a bomb on board hoping to take out as many people as possible.

These recordings should be breaking News stories the whole world needs to hear these recording to show proof that those planes did not bring down the WTC.

All murders lie and try to slither out from getting caught, ask any prosecutor or police officers. The Bush administration is no exception.

[edit on 28-12-2009 by impressme]

posted on Dec, 29 2009 @ 08:51 AM

Originally posted by thedman
Problem in New York is the numerous tall buildings play havoc with sounds
Serving to channel some sounds, block others, and causing echos
depending on where sound originated from, what buildings were in vicinity

Very true, and very possible.

The only thing that cast a little doubt is the sound (2nd one) itself.

It doesn't sound like an 'echoey' noise, but distinct and solid.

And it would stand to reason that there would be several of them, or at least more than two.

But thanks for bringing a git of balance to the discussion!

All the best, Kiwifoot!

posted on Dec, 30 2009 @ 01:57 AM

Originally posted by kiwifoot
Hey ATS, I did an extensive search for this one and was surprised when nothing came up.

I agree with you on the Ginny Carr tape. You might be interested in this thread (it's short) which covers the subject you are raising. As an aside I have to say that it is hard to access the fantastic amount of information and intelligent discussion from previous threads found on this website.

Note: This thread refers at one point to a surveillance tape recorded by FBI agents conducting a sting operation at the moment of the initial events at the North Tower. Unfortunately this tape was removed from Youtube and is no longer available.

First North Tower Explosion Confirmed on CNN?

[edit on 30-12-2009 by ipsedixit]

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