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Islam taking over the word

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posted on Dec, 27 2009 @ 11:15 AM
reply to post by Silcone Synapse

Wish I could reply to this now but my pub and my locals are calling....
But breakdown of the family unit, nanny state, reduced civil liberties, feeding on people's fears, dumbing down of society, national curriculum, etc's all tied in together...or is it?

posted on Dec, 27 2009 @ 12:39 PM

Originally posted by jimmyx

Originally posted by TinFoilHatMan55
There is westernized Muslim countries like United Arab Emirates, Bahrain, Oman just to name a few. Not all Muslim countries are 'backward' and violent as the media portrays them. The above mentioned ones are liberal.

what?? liberal??? are you kidding me? their human rights are still in the medeviel time frame of history. they don't even respect another countries human rights values when they move there from their own country....they are backward and want to remain that way. just because they have computers, cell phones, and other gadgets, does not make them a modern society.
and non-violent? long as you do exactly what the quaran and the mullahs tell you to do, if not, your either beaten, imprisoned, dismembered, or killed. yeah right...what a fine, modern society to live in.

Wow, are you really that ignorant? Do you even know any Muslim personally? Have you really read the Qur'an ? Show me where it says To be violent to those who dont agree with it, I havent read it, nor the bible, in fact, I'm not in any religion but what I do know is what you are saying, is just your bias opinion and close minded like all the rest who thinks like you.

I've been around and known almost every race ( and I'm Hispanic) , every religion, male,female,gay,lesbians, and I go on by how a person acts, and not by what has been said about them. We as humans, are all the same, There's bad humans and good humans, so to say that statement shouldnt be just about muslims but its true in all human races and all religions, just learn about all of them and you will see the ups and downs and what history has taught us about them and it isnt pretty at all.

In fact, I know muslims personally, i've been around them a lot and a lot of them are very respectable and NOT-violent and are peaceful. They wont ever deny you or a person food if a person needs it and I have been in situations like that myself and was given a hand. The Qu'ran states peaceful things, on how not to go treat the opposite wrong for whatever reason,etc, ( even though i didnt read it, I do have convo's about it) and thats the way they have treated me with respect even if my views on religion are different. I have seen home videos of their country, and it isnt what you think it is, what you see on tv, as what the media portrays them like it been mentioned, It isnt reality at all, it's their reality, the reality that you seem to believe in, the reality that has you blind and having you look real ignorant.

And about the whole sex thing is true, now there's more transexuals out in those countries and growing at an alarming rate and its basically destroying the religion,the race and everything in between. Even tho its forbidden in that religion, it is happening, and they are also becoming more westernized , They arent backwards at all, they just choose to live their lives as natural as possible but thats changing in their society like it changed ours since you notice everything is about money in order to live, in order to be respected, in order to get material things,etc y'all get the point (well the opened minded ones),it's just another way to enslave the massive like religion itself but thats just my opinion.

[edit on 27-12-2009 by MilzGatez]

posted on Dec, 27 2009 @ 09:55 PM
omg why do people believe the media lies about Arab countries. Google it and look up pictures of some of those counties they are modern and have sky scrappers, etc. Not all places are like Afghanistan.

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