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A Utopia of Love....

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posted on Dec, 26 2009 @ 01:26 PM
Dear ATS Members,

What kind of world would you like to see in place of the current system?
How would you live life, treat each other, what forms of education would you teach?

Would you promote, love, peace, truth and progress?

Perhaps you would prefer a world on the opposite end of the spectrum one filled with fear and suffering, judgements and mistrust?

Are we heading for a Utopia of Love or a World of control and anarchy?

I think this is an important matter which merits consideration. It is important to me to start thinking along these lines so i can manifest in my reality the world i wish to live in.

As they say be the change you wish to see in the world.


posted on Dec, 26 2009 @ 01:30 PM
reply to post by spirit777child

The world needs to be 1 gender.

Thats all i need to say.

posted on Dec, 26 2009 @ 01:34 PM
1 Gender?

you mean either all male or all female?

Is that really the world you would like to live in?


posted on Dec, 26 2009 @ 01:42 PM
reply to post by spirit777child

I think thats also what we dream about with aliens. They always seem to be 1 gender, and i think mankind will get there eventually.

Go and ponder what it will mean, as i have thought about it alot. you need to search within and see if it too is something you think is right.

But no matter i think it will come, and i think both genders are changing, but it may be some way off, but one day everyone will be equal.

posted on Dec, 26 2009 @ 01:46 PM
The sexes are confined to the physical body, the soul lives beyond the body and has no gender so looking at it from this perspective we are already there.


posted on Dec, 26 2009 @ 01:48 PM
Promote technology, withhold none from the public.

Tax deductions for vegans and vegetarians. (real ways to go "green" and promote love between animals and humans. We are animals, and always will be.)

Promote self dependency.

Ban all occult and organized religion.

Create a level of max wealth. (1 billion or so. If you make any more it has to go to charity or you have to step down from your position to allow someone else to achieve 1 billion dollars) This will break up the 90% of the worlds wealth is in 10% of the populations hands.

Eliminate the military, Create Militias. Allow Militias to become powerful. If a militia should go astray and try to succeed from the nation, other militias would fix the problem.

posted on Dec, 26 2009 @ 01:48 PM
personally i would like it to have a leader. One who is spiritually minded.

this way we can be guided to do what is right and start living conscious lives...


posted on Dec, 26 2009 @ 01:53 PM

Originally posted by The_Zomar
Promote technology, withhold none from the public.

Tax deductions for vegans and vegetarians. (real ways to go "green" and promote love between animals and humans. We are animals, and always will be.)

Promote self dependency.

Ban all occult and organized religion.

Create a level of max wealth. (1 billion or so. If you make any more it has to go to charity or you have to step down from your position to allow someone else to achieve 1 billion dollars) This will break up the 90% of the worlds wealth is in 10% of the populations hands.

Eliminate the military, Create Militias. Allow Militias to become powerful. If a militia should go astray and try to succeed from the nation, other militias would fix the problem.

I agree we should not withold technology as long as it is used responsibally.

tax deduction and level of wealth would not exist in my world only sharing of all the worlds resources.

occultism is simply hidden knowldge and there is much i have used to better myself as a human i would like to see all forms of beliefs and religions practiced if it is done with good intent and helps us grow and understand one another.

But the rest i would agree to somewhat...


posted on Dec, 26 2009 @ 01:56 PM
reply to post by spirit777child

Isnt that what the illuminati is, but you never see that leader.

If you do not believe in the illuminati, thats your choice but many believe it exists.

posted on Dec, 26 2009 @ 01:59 PM
no one knows what the illuminati is or this would already be fact.

A spiritual leader does not operate in a way that causes people to die due to actions that come as a result of the iluminati's rule.

A spiritual leader sees our existence in a universal way. So that every action and word is the correct action and word.


posted on Dec, 26 2009 @ 02:15 PM
reply to post by spirit777child

The global populace (human race) seems to have done it's best to "distinguish" one from another for thousands of years...

... what sort of cataclysmic or earth-changing "event" are you wanting/seeking/thinking of?

posted on Dec, 26 2009 @ 02:38 PM
reply to post by Annie Mossity

I think you may have misread the OP. It's quite short, im sure it wont hurt to re read it. My point is that i see nothing even remotely suggesting the OP has a desire for any cataclysmic event or is even suggesting the content of this thread is related to those things.

All i see is a curious mind asking for the opinions from other curious minds about the concept of Utiopia (insert subjective interpretations of what that means here - this thread.)

posted on Dec, 26 2009 @ 02:42 PM

Originally posted by spirit777child
A spiritual leader does not operate in a way that causes people to die due to actions that come as a result of the iluminati's rule.

Your wrong there. You can choose the dark side. The nazis where all into the occult in ss, and look what they did.

there are plenty in our society leading this world, with a dark messege lol. The ends justify the means, and rationalising your options in the world to your needs, is also what they do.

You have no idea what power can do for the human mind, and if there are such things as illuminati priests and i think there is, the ends always justify any means. They think there is no good or bad, things just are. What is evil to you means nothing to them.

posted on Dec, 26 2009 @ 02:50 PM

Originally posted by spirit777child
Dear ATS Members,

Are we heading for a Utopia of Love or a World of control and anarchy?


slight contradiction here though spirit, having anarchy means roughly the opposite of what you implied, which sounds like it should have been along the lines of totalitarianism and martial law.

a little bit of research regarding the political theories of noam chomsky might clarify things a bit more for you.

posted on Dec, 26 2009 @ 03:13 PM
yes thanks thats what i meant.

But even anarchy is not such a positive thing it is a rebelion of the establishment and i dont wish to rebel againts it but rather fuse with it.


posted on Dec, 26 2009 @ 03:15 PM
The Illuminati are the twelve tribes of isreal or the chosen race.

My only wish is to connect with them and share gods message with them.


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