It is for this very reason it happens to joe six pack and no one notices that these stories need to be presented!
It is also called compassion for other humans and their grieving familes,
no matter if they made a mistake or not.
And no matter how rich and famous they are/were. Or not.
Unless some think they are somehow better than others anyway,
and that they are above dying...
To just dismiss the death like they somehow "had it coming" for as yet unknown reasons is asinine as well.
It also unfortunately shows an alarming lack of compassion for fellow humans.
I understand the personal responsibility part of it also.
I decry it on here constantly.
That in itself is a good reason for this thread!
Maybe more WILL take resonsibility for their own health!
Their doctor isnt going to give them alternative treatments.
No profit in it for them!
If a person has a death wish already, well....
It takes a celebrity dying to wake the sheeple up sometimes.
Otherwise people wont even know that this is not normally supposed to happen.
Hell, they think heart attacks at 30 are normal!
How messed up is that?
Shows just how much people believe the big pharma bs!
Also shows who is in control of their lives already!
They are constantly bombarded by big pharma ads all day and night.
Have you ever watched CNN and noticed all the drug ads continually in rotation?
Its all about the profits indeed! Good call!
if it wasnt for big pharma and big energy. CNN would go broke!
The article in the OP was not from the National Inquirer!
Some information is out there I agree, but we dont throw the baby out with the bath water, do we?
You dont have to buy a book at this site if you dont want to.....
once again personal responsibility.
A person has to separate the fluff from the facts about life in general,
him or herself.
I agree, some dont have a clue about whats best for them.
Hence the problem.
They admit they dont even read the labels on their dam food!
I realize I am asking for alot on here, but I just want to let them know,
there are other ways...
If it wasnt for some of these articles, we would really be some seriously
uniformed and duped americant CONsumers!
Like I say, one only needs to follow the money!
Or maybe better yet, see who has the most lobbyists...
Thanks for the replies and for reading the thread!
Peace and good health to you all! Stars!
[edit on 27-12-2009 by dodadoom]