posted on May, 24 2004 @ 08:01 AM
seems like orias is pretty threatened by this story.
I don't take it at face value, either. But I'm not going to start cussing a bunch of nine-year olds I'll never meet just because they seem to have
a symbolic/mythic worldview.
I suspect that there is SOMETHING behind this encounter, beyond a bunch of children agreeing to play make-believe. Primitive people (children) tend
to describe events in terms of animism--the attitude that every thing is possessed of an animating force.
Just like in European fairy-tales, they saw supernatural creatures who wanted to help them. One person does't appreciate them, or refuses to
believe, and destroys the relationship with the friendly spirits. It's a common theme found in folklore. I believe it is a sort of passion-play
that is constantly re-enacted, and has been for millennia.
So what was the SOMETHING behind the encounter? Who knows: something in the water, something in their food, a story they'd all read (maybe
Gulliver's Travels?) Maybe an electromagnetic field that is on a similar wavelength to the human brain while in a trance state (delta/theta spikes)?