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Don't believe your lying eyes

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posted on Dec, 23 2009 @ 11:27 PM
OK guys and gals, I know we are all getting a little jaded with the blue spiral phenomena, and the last post with the screaming lady was well and truly debunked, put to sleep, anesthetized, demystified, demoted, de-sensationalized.

This post isn't so much about the spiral but rather about the way a popular site like ATS can unintentionally play an important role in hiding the truth in plain sight.

Let us consider how easy it has become to totally discredit our lying eyes.

Since the screaming lady version of the spiral hit the boards, the responses have seriously discredited the actual event, and what had only been a tenuous explanation of being a spiraling missile has become more acceptable because of this deceitful video, the purpose of which makes me suspicious.

The thread quite correctly has been proven to be a hoax.

The phenomena however has not.

Many comments I read were denying the appearance of a black hole towards the end of the event which is not the case, a black hole did occur as can be validated by the many genuine videos and photo's taken of the event. Maybe not as it appeared on the hoax video, but it did happen.

It keeps nagging at me, why a perfectly good "blow your mind" type phenomena like this would even be tampered with other than to give the whole event the stamp of fraud.

Please keep alert people because I think this could be dis-info at it's best.

[edit on 23-12-2009 by kennyb72]

posted on Dec, 23 2009 @ 11:37 PM
reply to post by kennyb72

Sorry guys, I should have noticed, was in the wrong forum. Would a kind moderator please move it for me into appropriate place.

What do you mean the wastebasket!

posted on Dec, 23 2009 @ 11:38 PM
I totally agree with you. It's crap threads like that, that make people discredit the conspiracy community as a whole, and that the event actually happened the way it really did. People who try to sneak in false evidence is in the end hurting the very cause they think they are supporting.

posted on Dec, 23 2009 @ 11:41 PM

Originally posted by kennyb72
OK guys and gals, I know we are all getting a little jaded with the blue spiral phenomena, and the last post with the screaming lady was well and truly debunked, put to sleep, anesthetized, demystified, demoted, de-sensationalized.

This post isn't so much about the spiral but rather about the way a popular site like ATS can unintentionally play an important role in hiding the truth in plain sight.

Let us consider how easy it has become to totally discredit our lying eyes.

Since the screaming lady version of the spiral hit the boards, the responses have seriously discredited the actual event, and what had only been a tenuous explanation of being a spiraling missile has become more acceptable because of this deceitful video, the purpose of which makes me suspicious.

The thread quite correctly has been proven to be a hoax.

The phenomena however has not.

Many comments I read were denying the appearance of a black hole towards the end of the event which is not the case, a black hole did occur as can be validated by the many genuine videos and photo's taken of the event. Maybe not as it appeared on the hoax video, but it did happen.

It keeps nagging at me, why a perfectly good "blow your mind" type phenomena like this would even be tampered with other than to give the whole event the stamp of fraud.

Please keep alert people because I think this could be dis-info at it's best.

[edit on 23-12-2009 by kennyb72]

I'm also completely agree with you!

posted on Dec, 24 2009 @ 01:04 AM
reply to post by kingoftheworld

People who try to sneak in false evidence is in the end hurting the very cause they think they are supporting.

I have a sneaky suspicion, that the people behind the hoax are more in the business of removing it from our minds rather than support it.

posted on Dec, 24 2009 @ 01:11 AM
The only redeeming thought I have about phoney vids and hoaxes is the old saying "Ya gotta kiss a lot of frogs before ya get the prince". It's very par for the course, it's always seemed that we look through garbage upon garbage and every so often, one sneaks in that baffles the lot of us.

The "why" to all the hoaxes is what should be examined...and here we are.


posted on Dec, 24 2009 @ 02:30 AM
reply to post by Cuhail

Hi Cuhail
There certainly are a lot of hoaxes and I accept that there are a lot of juvenile people around.

I also believe there could be a program to derail or manipulate the public consciousness within forums like ATS.

My conclusion is that, if the explanation for this event is as simple as an out of control missile, then why are people trying to change our perceptions of what we all witnessed from early reports and pictures of the story

"Me thinks thou doth protest too much"

I could quite easily accept the mundane explanation regarding the spiral but it sets alarms ringing when I see the story changing over time.

It would be interesting to hear other peoples take on this.

posted on Dec, 24 2009 @ 04:22 AM
I couldn't agree more.

What bothers me is the systematic responses that people offer to a possible hoax. In the instance the of the video you mention containing false audio together with the liklihood of some CGI being used, I fully accept where the bluff is. There's EVERY possibility the visual phenomina shown in that video has been added to or tampered with. What I do not accept is the dismissal of other footage in relation the same visual phenomina where the bluff cannot be called.

I further accept, again, the possibility of the other footage (of the apparent same phenomina) being a hoax too. The important thing however is how explanations can be discussed openly and where informed opinions can help offer a rational response.

Perhaps I'm just too frustrated (with this specific topic) to try and rationalise with people making a claim without justified reasoning, but I simply can't sit here and try to make discussion on these things when I read some moron offer little more than a response like: ''It's fake, you're a fool for believing it, it's all CGI''

I cannot possibly fathom how a response like that can be taken seriously, and furthermore, why the heck should I or anyone else willing to discuss it tolerate such ignorance?

posted on Dec, 24 2009 @ 04:39 AM
reply to post by BAZ752

I try not to get into arguments regarding other peoples analysis of evidence other than state my own views.

You just can't convince some people or even get through to them, where your own point of view is coming from.

I am not suggesting that all your arguments on this particular post could be attributed to disinformation.

All I can suggest is that you don't enter into a head on battle to reinforce your argument. You know your own truth and you have obviously given it a lot more thought than those who just scream "fake, move on people nothing to see here"

I think there is more to this than meets the eye and in the true tradition of ATS Ignore ignorance.

posted on Dec, 24 2009 @ 04:43 AM
reply to post by kennyb72

Good post, just shows how they cover truths, with so much garbage.

this is why they do not stop people speaking out, they just discredit truths today. Look at what bob lazar went through, and like he said, why did he even bother?

posted on Dec, 24 2009 @ 04:44 AM
I will actually offer that I do not have any idea of what this phenomina is.

The key word, here, being ''phenomina'' because if the majority of the footage recorded is indeed real then what is seen is of very peculiar existence.

Some of the visual footage looks as though there could be some level of projection involved due to the blue beam like 'ray' shown on several of the captions. Some even show there to be a starting point and an ending point to the blue ray, but with limited possibility of guessing any dimension or scale, it's very unlikely one could make an accurate assessment.

We should also consider the spiral ''effect'' because we have limited footage showing the phenomina from a different POV and whether it was distorted when viewed from a different angle. One would normally assume that if the phenomina was actually present in 3 dimensions, it would of course appear different depending on the POV.

It interests me regardless of whether it's actually real or not

posted on Dec, 24 2009 @ 04:50 AM
reply to post by BAZ752

As I stated in my post, I have no idea what caused it, It could well have been something like HAARP or a missile.

What I feel uneasy about is the fact that somebody seems to be trying to discredit something which we all felt was very unusual from reports and images published in the MSM.

Maybe it's an exercise in trying to discover how easily we are all manipulated. NOT

posted on Dec, 24 2009 @ 06:07 AM
reply to post by andy1033

Trying to find the truth sometimes is like panning for gold, just as you think you are getting close to finding something, you get more sludge dumped on you.

posted on Dec, 24 2009 @ 07:01 AM

Originally posted by kennyb72
reply to post by andy1033

Trying to find the truth sometimes is like panning for gold, just as you think you are getting close to finding something, you get more sludge dumped on you.

Too true.

truth is a weird thing.

posted on Dec, 24 2009 @ 02:59 PM
Yeah I totally agree.

I'm a strong believer that there is more going on in the world than we are led to believe. But at the same time I try not to be gullible enough to believe everything that comes along.

But I have also come to realise that there are people all over, and all over this very forum that are only here to try and hide the facts, or coverup what actually is going on.

I also believe that some of the user accounts on here are actually used by more than 1 person and it is their day job to come on here and spread such stuff.

But... Those are just my opinions.

posted on Dec, 24 2009 @ 03:18 PM
reply to post by Lee_K

I also believe that some of the user accounts on here are actually used by more than 1 person and it is their day job to come on here and spread such stuff.

There could be a thread of truth in that (pun intended), although generally speaking anybody with access to youtube, could throw a spanner in the works and mess up peoples perception of what actually happened.

ATS'ers are constantly looking for clues to validate or dismiss an incident. It would be easy to innocently let a Trojan horse into the discussion such as the screaming lady video, which ultimately can lead to the closing down of a particular conversation.

posted on Dec, 24 2009 @ 03:29 PM

I also believe that some of the user accounts on here are actually used by more than 1 person and it is their day job to come on here and spread such stuff.

How about one professional having several (or more) user accounts here? How about a professional being a moderator here?

Only 2-3 professionals with a few dozen accounts, working 8-10 hrs a day, can derail the whole site, completely. They have material available, instructions, they know exactly what they are doing. In a way, I respect their work, you need to be quite smart to do it.

posted on Dec, 24 2009 @ 03:37 PM
reply to post by herbivore

That is a bit harsh herbivore, I think most mods are here because they have put many threads together in pursuit of denying ignorance.

That means they all have had to do their fair share of pursuing the truth.

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