DISCLAIMER: I am not claiming any of this as fact. I am making points that I think are of interest that would be a value to at least ponder. I'm
not trying to discuss who made crop circles. I'm trying to discuss with others what their take is on the points I make (based on others ideas). You
can ask me to "prove it" or give you evidence all you want. I have none. If you disagree, that's fine and you are more than welcome to tell me
why. But please be respectful to those you disagree with. This goes for anyone who agrees or disagrees with the premise of this thread. I will
alert the mods if I think ANYONE is being disruptive.
ANOTHER THREAD discussing the "best evidence ever" that crop circles are not
man-made, I posted that I don't believe we should be arguing over WHO is creating the CC's so much as we should be discussing what the message being
conveyed means, if anything.
I recalled yet
ANOTHER THREAD with linked videos
Video: Part 1,
Part 2)
in which a gentleman (starting about 55 seconds into Video 2) stated (paraphrasing) that he was absolutely astonished that in the over 2,000 years
that people have been studying crop circles, they haven't discovered the "breathtakingly" simple solution that most crop circles seem to be dealing
with the ages old problem of using a compass and straightedge to "square the circle".
Squaring the circle means:
the challenge of constructing a square with the same area as a given circle by using only a finite number of steps with compass and
This is thought to be nearly impossible to do, yet many crop circles seem to not only give the answer to the solution, but they also seem to be done
with astounding accuracy.
This made me wonder what the point was. What is the message trying to be conveyed here? So I decided to search for the "squaring the circle, crop
circles" and the very first link I chose, and in fact the first result I was given through Google, was to
THIS SITE in which I believe I was given my answer by the author Bert Janssen.
He says:
The magic of ‘squaring the circle’ lies in the fact that it, as far as I know, does not show up in nature. It is not a natural geometry like
the phi-ratio is or the Fibonacci sequence. It appears that ‘squaring the circle’ is originating from elsewhere. From the other side. The only
place where you can find natural ‘squaring the circle’ on Earth, is in crop circles. One of the reasons why crop circles have such a profound
effect on us.
Squaring the circle brings the square (= cube = matter) in perfect balance and harmony with the circle (=sphere=Spirit). The ultimate merging of
matter and Spirit. The ultimate Oneness.
He goes on to ask if this "merging" will happen in 2008, the year many believe that our "transformation" started. However, I'm not sure I fully
believe that and quite frankly is neither here nor there for me. I think the point of the matter is that someone is trying to make us think more
about our spirit/soul and how we are more than just these bodies we inhabit and use in order for our souls to be able to react with the material
(matter) world, at least at this level of existence (pure conjecture on my part and that of others).
According to freemasons, the Square (the tool which always makes the geometric shape of the same name) is said to represent matter. The Compass (the
tool which is used to make circles) is supposed to represent the spirit/soul. In other words, Square = matter; Circle = spirit.
Source. (This is also derived from Pythagorean Theory) The famous Masonic symbol of the square
and the compass is said to be purposefully arranged so as to make clear that the two are interdependent on eachother. Meaning, one could not exist
with out the other.
Maybe the fact that the act of squaring the circle is so nearly impossible is a metaphor for how nearly impossible it is for us to also be able to
fully connect our body and soul.
Another thing I would like you to consider is Leonardo Da Vinci's Vitruvian Man:
**I just "wasted" a heck of a lot of time writing additional observations using Leonardo Da Vinci's Vitruvian Man (which also squares the circle),
but it was just so much that it is a thread in itself.** I will make it short and sweet though...
The Squaring of the Circle will give you such symbols as:
The Star of David
The Christian Cross
Yin Yang
Proportions of the Great Pyramid
The Proportion of the Earth to the Moon (99.99726 accuracy)
The Golden Ratio
Leonardo said:
"The outstretched arms and legs of a man form a square and a circle: the square symbolizes the solid physical world and the circle the spiritual
and eternal. Man bridges the gap between these two worlds." -Leonardo Da Vinci, "The Magical Proportions of Man"
(This made me think of Nassim Haramein's work on showing the scalar importance of Humans being the barrier between the infinitely small and the
infinitely large).
Note how the Vitruvian Man gives the impression of man having wings (like angels or....like
Butterflies? (See how the butterfly man echoes the two positions of the arms AND legs
(look closely) as in the Vitruvian man?)
I don't care whose making these circles. I don't think any of us really should. WHAT MATTERS IS THE MESSAGE BEING CONVEYED TO US. And once again,
we are all too busy bickering over something that really doesn't matter about it rather than paying attention to what is staring us right in the
face. It's right there in front of us.
Go back and look at the NUMEROUS images of these circles. See if you can see now how many are the act of squaring the circle. Some are obvious, some