posted on Jan, 4 2010 @ 11:40 AM
if you haven't noticed, there are and have been a number of people on the rez asking people about the ufo's. People there are now just tired of the
whole thing and will roll their eyes at you.
Some will say, 'yeah, go this way'. There's not a lot of people acting coy or trying to arrest you for showing interest.
I was just up in Dulce for Go-Jii-ya (hi to my native people in this thread!) and I'm out here in Kansas city now so I don't explore it. Still,
it's an interesting topic if anyone wants to head to the hotel and give the people some tourist money, I'm all for it.
I do miss playing softball in the pagosa league and have traveled the dirt road between Dulce and Pagosa springs a LOT. 3-4 times a week in the
If anyone wants to go that way, go to Lumberton (3 miles from Dulce) and take the left before you cross the bridge that will go past the catholic
church (st francis). That's a fun drive on a windy dirt road. It's been about 10 years and I can still probably drive it with my eyes closed.
[edit on 4-1-2010 by snapmouse]