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Student Assaulted By Teacher For Handing Out Vaccine Information (update

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posted on Dec, 21 2009 @ 09:53 PM
A update. youtbe has REMOVED the original posting. here is a still active link to teh FIRST video.
the video below is the update video which includes a alpha David and some video of ONE of the assaults as well as some eye witness accounts. once more i say this is a call to arms! all teen truthers we NEED to step up. all ADULT truthers MUST help do something about this. we cant take this. i my self am i teen. It is NOT right that i am forced to have to sit in a class for 8 hours hearing lies. all adults you need to help us.

(also i am not the person in this video)

[edit on 21-12-2009 by Vinveezy]

posted on Dec, 22 2009 @ 03:20 AM
The reality is the school probably would have let him hand out his flyers if he had received permission first and planned ahead. Instead he decided to take a path that clearly violated the Education Code and Civil Code. Clearly based on what he said he knew all of his actions were wrong.

First, based on the CA Ed Code, filming students or faculty is not permitted during regular school operations however this is waived at certain public functions such as football games. He willingly broke the law there.

Second, he was wrong to pass out the flyers. One of the oldest laws in all 50 states is that someone who is not an M.D. may not give out a medical opinion to someone. That includes the effects a drug or vaccine might have on someone. He was giving medical advice to students through his flyers and telling people they would have neurological effects.

There are a couple other points that could be made, especially about the alleged assault however generally you get the idea. He broke the law, he was caught, he was punished, he is urging others to break the law and now he is whining about his punishment. Notice how nothing he did in his opinion is wrong. He did nothing to deserve a response from the school. He takes responsibility for nothing however he blames the school for everything. It doesn't matter where you stand on this issue, the way this child did it is wrong.

posted on Dec, 22 2009 @ 08:35 AM
Thank you for posting this. I know things like this go on in schools all the time, and I have seen many videos and read many accounts. The fact that this was in regards to the vaccination issue and a smart kid trying to educate others about it, makes it very timely. Even if he did break any of the school rules by handing the flyers out (which i'm not even sure that's the case), it still does not merit a teacher even laying one finger on him, let alone "bear hug," "grab his wrist," "push him out of the vaccination room with his chest,"etc. Teachers who are allowed by the school to get away with this behavior need to have some dished back at them. It is not right to treat children that way, for whatever reason, or excuse.

posted on Dec, 22 2009 @ 09:51 AM
The teacher invovled needs to be either charged with assault or suspended, while an internal investigation is carried out. If this happened in the UK, the teacher would have been suspended, while an investigation was underway. And charged.

So no the teachers are going Gestappo on our kids nowadays, absolutely shocking.

I also noticed you tube are trying to censor freedom of speech once more. We the users off you tube need to kick them squarely where it hurts them. Or do something before this goes to far.

[edit on 22-12-2009 by Laurauk]

posted on Dec, 22 2009 @ 09:56 AM
reply to post by Laurauk

In all honesty if that had happend at my local school the students would not of watched they would of helped the student and sorted him out.

maybe thats just because my school has problems but if the law does not solve injustice maybe its right to go beyond it.

i've said that twice today something is bugging me i feel. haha

posted on Dec, 22 2009 @ 10:15 AM
Things like this happened everyday in my school, worse things, and we just got on with it. Its seems that this kid may have exaggerated what had happened just to gain some media attention towards his cause, fair enough.

It just bugs me that the word 'assault' is thrown around. Was he really assaulted, really?

One of my teachers used to smack us across the head is we misbehaved, nothing serious, and we just got on with it.

Everything is blown out of proportion these days.

I would class this as a green assault = keep going, nothing to see here. Red assault = Stop! Someone is really hurt here, do something about it! Amber assault is pretty self explanatory.

Did I actually just categorise different levels of assault?

Anyways, I cant help thinking this is something of nothing. Although I do believe he should be able to hand out his information, maybe he should ask for permission in future, save himself from the horrific ordeal of being 'assaulted' again.

posted on Dec, 22 2009 @ 02:50 PM
reply to post by LiveForever8

Hehad witnesses so how was he exaggerating the incident. No teacher in this day and age, has the right to lay a finger on a Minor/Pupil, that is child abuse. The teacher should be charged for it.

If it was his mother or father who done that, the school in question would be quick of the mark to contact socail or welfare services, reporting the incident..

Teachers should not be allowed to get away with the sort of abuse, no matter what it is.

[edit on 22-12-2009 by Laurauk]

posted on Dec, 22 2009 @ 04:07 PM
reply to post by thecrow001

If you don't mind me asking what school do you go to (high school or collage)

and i agree with you we NEED justice

posted on Dec, 22 2009 @ 04:15 PM
well first off no they wouldn't have if you had bothered to research this before hand you would know he has been trying to do that exact thing. also it does not violate any code. once more know what you are talking about. he isn't even in CALI you are trying to talk about CA when he is from the north west. aslo i live in Cali. you are allowed to do that.

no that is a lie. i go to school in CALI. You are allowed to video tape everyone for starters. you are seriously annoying now stop making # up and stop trying to talk about matters which you know NOTHING of. he is not form CA so the CA Ed code does not apply to him. so no he didn't break the law their kid.

"Second, he was wrong to pass out the flyers. One of the oldest laws in all 50 states is that someone who is not an M.D. may not give out a medical opinion to someone" Ok stop making up crap.America's OLDEST law gives us free speech. i know you are lying out your ass. seriously this is pissing me off now

There are a couple other points that could be made, especially about the alleged assault however generally you get the idea. He broke the law, he was caught, he was punished, he is urging others to break the law and now he is whining about his punishment. Notice how nothing he did in his opinion is wrong. He did nothing to deserve a response from the school. He takes responsibility for nothing however he blames the school for everything. It doesn't matter where you stand on this issue, the way this child did it is wrong.

he broke NO LAW you however have broken ATS rules by putting out BS. If you are going to keep lying then get off my threads. everything u said is a LIE.

posted on Dec, 22 2009 @ 04:19 PM
reply to post by Vinveezy

No school anymore should of made that clear i've finished school however it was not too long ago and i know it would still be the same now, holgate in nottinghamshire. England.

thank you for agreeing.

posted on Dec, 22 2009 @ 05:03 PM
reply to post by Laurauk

He had witnesses you say. Could these witnesses have been fellow pupils, maybe even friends? Hmmm......

All I'm saying is that he probably exaggerated the incident to further his cause, like I said, fair enough.

If it was his mother or father who done that, the school in question would be quick of the mark to contact socail or welfare services, reporting the incident..

Great point you have made here

All I am saying is that, in my school experience, I wouldn't have blamed some of my teachers lashing out at certain pupils at times. Teachers get so much flack from kids its ridiculous.

But yes, what he did was wrong. Lets not ruin his credibility as a teacher by blowing the incident out of proportion.

The kid wasn't seriously harmed at all and he's got the attention he wanted.

posted on Dec, 22 2009 @ 06:47 PM

Whats your problem he's a teenager and it's not like he's telling the others stuff like 'take crack, here's how' this is bs from another teacher type person who try's to act high and mighty and should get beaten by that kid on the way tp their veichle. These people are hated by everyone except those who benifit by liking them.

posted on Dec, 23 2009 @ 02:37 PM
reply to post by LiveForever8

It is hardly the point. The fact that this teacher took it upon himself or herself to assault a minor brings his/her professionalism into question.

If he/she does this and gets away with it. Who else is he/she going to assaut. Maybe next time the teacher does this, might lead to an injury or even worse.

If the head of that school had any moralles, he or she would have investigated this incident and dealt with it. From what I have read about the incident, they have swept it under the carpet.

Which is wrong.

[edit on 23-12-2009 by Laurauk]

posted on Dec, 23 2009 @ 02:43 PM
reply to post by thecrow001

One supposes every school has thier problems.

At the end of the day, it does not give Teachers, the right to assault or threaten any minor.

That in my opinion, if I was a headprinciple of a School, would lead to sacking of that teacher in question or suspension, until an investigation as carried out.

I however would say yes there is pupils who will push teachers, verbally, physically etc. It still does not give any teacher, the right to lay a finger on any child what so ever.

If a teacher assaulted my child. I would be making sure that teacher was charged with assault.

[edit on 23-12-2009 by Laurauk]

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