posted on Jan, 4 2010 @ 02:13 PM
Originally posted by ProRipp
This interview was on the Russia Today News Channel today i hit the record button as soon as i could i missed start of the interview which discussed
911 ! They accuse Obama of havingh 'blood of hundreds on his hands' ! Briefly they speak of the New World Order and that Global Warming is a natural
cycle of the Earth ! Hope this link works i have uploaded it to the media portal !
[edit on 123131p://12America/Chicago21 by ProRipp]
My spontaneous feeling, looking at your vid, is much like member dragonsmusic: these are likeable guys, idealistic heroes who's primary failing is
that they're too courageous for their own good!
These ARE conspiracists alright, but often sticking to a minimalist position, for instance by asking valid questions about 9/11's Building 7, which
straightdown fall has never been explained. They didn't claim to know for sure who to blame for such an 'inside job', and are holding back on the
I agree it is at least curious that G.W. Bush, and his planners were preparing for gaining influence over Iraq well in advance of the 9/11 attacks.
I also agree that America (+allies) is in much greater trouble in Afghanistan than they've been publicly admitting, but this may not be a lie persé:
the Afghan insurgents may have been underestimated by all the powers that invaded that country, ever.
I think they are on the right track with the Bilderberg Group. What the hell is this powerful cabal's game??
Saying that President Obama has blood on his hands because the (missile carrying) drones/Predators kill women/children/civilians
(Pakistan&Afghanistan) is misleading in my view, an overreach. He's directing a war (so called On Terror) where the terrain is too rugged for ground
combat AND Pakistan is a very souvereign, nuclear nation, objecting against America overrunning them! The folks the US is hunting are terrorists who
sometimes sleep with their families surrounding them. If at that very moment a missile lands on their bed, that is dreadful, but that's how war
happens. Also the mention of Blackwater and secret US agencies in connection to the bombing campaign against Pakistani society sounds like a smear
based on Pakistanis' understandable reluctance to attribute mass murder to their own people (blaming the CIA/Blackwater instead!). So the Blood on
Obama's Hands-allegation is one of this interview's wilder speculations.
Still, these are the hard questions/criticisms that keep a Democracy democratic.