posted on May, 23 2004 @ 08:11 PM
After all the sightings andpictures of people seeing UFO's flying over head in broad daylight or lighting up the night sky like a christmas tree you
have to come to the conclusion that either 1.For some strange reason "they" want to be seen or 2.They don't care if we see them flying around
they'll go where they want when they want with no real concern of us watching them.About ten years ago My family and I and probably the rest of the
city seen a bright light like a headlight fly directy over the city of saint john a city of about 100,000 people at about 3 O'clock in the afternoon
it hovered just long enough for people to notice and "slowly" went north out of sight,So my question is,is it just me or are these things doing a
really bad job of hiding them selves?