A. is love worth the time to wait? even if it's a lifetime?
Yes. Most definitely. I am 40 and have been through more frogs then you can EVER imagine. Then I found Pisky (online of all places lol) and we have
been together now nearly 5 years and just celebrated our 1st wedding anni.
Believe ME, I was my share of jaded, but I know that if I had closed my heart and given up hope (and believe me, I have been broken up with and
heartbroken so many times I can't even count !) that it was all over for me. I kept it upfront in my mind and heart that true love was possible
because I'd SEEN it with my own eyes.
It also helps that you aren't desperately searching for it. It would appear(and this almost always seems to be the case), that you are most likely
to find that ONE person when you are busy living your life and enjoying it as a single person, rather then thinking "all my friends have boyfriends
and I don't !" (and YES, I have thought this myself...many, MANY times...you don't get to be 40 without going around THAT particular corner at
least a half dozen times...lol just kidding
some people meet their soulmates at very early ages, but that only means that you are ready. Some
people aren't. There are things they need to learn FIRST. I guess I was one of those).
B. is love our savior or our greatest destruction
Our savior, of course.
There are two basic emotions that rule in this world. These would be, of course, love and hate.
Now...consider how hate makes you feel, then consider how love makes you feel. Take a few moments to reflect on this.
Even when love (what seems like true love at the time, I KNOW) hurts like HELL and you go through every single one of Elizabeth Kubler Ross's 5
stages of
Grief during a painful, nearly teeth gritting breakup. And everyone around you is
telling you to just 'get over it and get on with it'....it is really any worse then keeping your heart open to the possibility that maybe that
person was just not right for you (i know, this takes time) and that just maybe your chance for real love still exists ? Yes. It's all about faith.
It really is. Because unless you are open to the possibility, it CANNOT happen. That's just a fact. If your heart and mind are inpenetrable, forget
So...I ask the question again. Is love the good guy or the bad guy ?
(sorry about the link relating to death. You see, many people and groups continue to use Elizabeth Kubler Ross's model as an example, purely because
it FITS. Grief applies to when we lose ANYTHING that we have come to value deeply in our hearts. That includes breaking up with someone, or even
something so relatively simple as losing our car keys. We STILL go through the five stages of grief.)
C. if a person never love, not even if at time when she/he dies, did she/he waste her life?
Of course not. Because while it may seem that way on first glance, with careful examination the average person will realize that they have indeed
loved many times. This person may not meet their soulmate in this incarnation, but this is for reasons of emotional and soul maturity. As I said
before, I was nearly 36 before I found mine. (but for all you impatient souls..relax..'meeting your true soulmate' stories vary tremendously in
Ok..sorry guys, not to write a Tome here but I just have a lot to say on this subject and feel that 2009 REALLY needs help here (and I can't stand to
think of anybody hurting, so I tend to go overboard lol)
Lastly...unconditional love is always preferable. This is what Pisky and I share. He has seen me at my worst moments as I have seen him and we STILL
love each other..only STRONGER.
You just can't place conditions on love. I could use the example of what's going on in my favourite soap as an example here:
Ryan claims to love Kendall to pieces. YET !!!! Ryan nails Kendalls heart to the wall because she has an insecurity problem and refuses to accept
Greenlee as a friend and co-worker (Greenlee is probably the most gorgeous woman in town by the way and has nearly sent Kendall to prison by revealing
in a jealous fit that Kendall wasn't really pregnant, merely protecting her sister)
So...what does "Conditional Love Master" Ryan do ????
Well, he does the same exact thing as any other addict of conditional love DOES. He issues the ULTIMATUM. That being "If you don't change for me...I
am OUTTA here"
Of course Kendall does what any sane person would do. She immediately gets her back up and refuses to accept Greenlee and Ryan stabs her in the back
by running off and marrying the bitch (yes...you can tell this S/L is pissing me off but I only include it here because it illustrates the point
2009 :
In essence - Keep your heart open, always. Learn to love the other person the way they truly are and your love will be returned a thousand-fold.
That's a guarantee.
And never give up your hope.
That's it. Best of luck to you and anyone else out there who may be seriously wondering about this 'love' thing.
[Edited on 24-5-2004 by KayEm]