posted on Feb, 26 2003 @ 12:56 PM
Canada = USA Lite
Greenland = Polar Bears
Puerto Rico = 51st State
Cuba/Haiti = Boat People
Mexico = Tacos
South America = Amazon, Pirahnas, Drugs
Africa = Sand, Sally Struthers
Middle East = Future Glass Parking Lot, world's largest sandbox, where our gas comes from
India = Spicy Food, Lots and lots of people, don't eat cows
Isreal = 52nd State, but with attitude
All the Asian Islands (except Japan) = Asians that aren't Chinese or Japanese
China = Even more people than India, Take-out food
Japan = Cars and Electronics
Russia = Used to be the bad guy, Vodka, Ok now
Australia = Steve Irwin, Crocodile Dundee, Boomerangs, Dingos, Kangaroos
New Zealand = Xena/Hercules
England = Still has a Queen, Good Manners and bad food
Scandinavian Countries = Blondes in bikinis sitting in hot tubs
Spain = Where Columbus sailed from
France = Rude, snooty people who surrender alot
Germany = Always trying to take over the world
Slavic Countries = Where Dracula was from
Other European Countries = There are other European countries?
Keep in mind, the above may not necessarily reflect my personal views, but it's meant to more accurately project what I believe the majority of my
fellow Americans think, and how they view other places.