posted on Dec, 18 2009 @ 01:32 PM
Hello! I'm surprised that I have not previously encountered this website as I have, for many years, harbored an intense interest in the subject of
My brother and I, when we were kids, encountered a small, triangular shaped UFO. It flew directly over the road in front of our house at so low an
altitude (just above the power lines and street lights, in fact) that we could have easily hit it with rocks had we taken it into our minds to do so.
Probably would have been a spectacularly bad idea though. So, in our case, misidentification was impossible due to craft's low altitude, speed and
the fact that it made almost no noise apart from an almost inaudible hum. And that is why I am extremely interested in UFO's.
Anyway, that's my introduction. I hope I can contribute to these forums and, in the process, meet some like minded individuals!