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Interview with a Walk-In

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posted on Dec, 18 2009 @ 12:40 PM
Hi all. After reading some threads here in skunk works, I thought I'd share an interview with you. I'm not sure how many people have heard of walk-ins, but my guess is that the term isn't totally new to a lot of you. The following interview is with a woman named Kelemeria, who claims to be a walk-in, and she talks a lot about what they are, Ashtar, giant cloaked ships floating above earth, ascending to the fifth dimension, and so on.

Q. How would you define what a walk-in is, what happens when someone walks in?
A soul usually makes a completion in this lifetime when a person dies. But in certain lifetimes a soul completes their work early. Generally, with the walk-in experience, it is an agreement between two souls on an etheric level. Sometimes it is done before the soul is born into a body. An agreement is made with another to walk in. It is simply another way to come onto this planet. In my case, I was asked to do this based on certain criteria that I agreed to do. I had no reason or interest to walk in. I was perfectly happy to stay where I was.

Q. Do you remember your agreements?
Absolutely, I came in here with full memory. A lot of walk-ins don't. They just feel weird. They don't know anybody. It's like landing in the middle of nowhere. It's like going to a foreign country and not knowing the language or customs other than what you've read. You feel like a fish out of water. There's really no other experience that matches this one, other than when you ascend.

Q. The soul who was in your body before had completed her work?
Yes. She was to start things in motion on the work that she was doing. I continued it when I walked in. Her true love was on the other side. Her true love could have either walked in, or she could have gone on to see him again. She went to him.

Q. So he died or ascended, previously?
Yes, he ascended. He is now an ascended master. His work is now too important to leave to come down to earth at this time. They decided that it would be best for her to make the change as long as she could find someone to help with that transition. That's when I came in.

I highly encourage you to read the entire interview here. There are three parts to it - links to parts two and three are at the bottom. It's a very fascinating read at the least. I'd like to know what you guys think about it. Enjoy

posted on Dec, 18 2009 @ 12:53 PM
Well just reading the words Ashtar and fifth dimension,it sounds like blossom goodchild stuff which I cannot take seriously even for a second.
Sorry to burst your bubble.
Its sounds like hairy fairy stuff to me.

So...whats she selling??

posted on Dec, 18 2009 @ 12:58 PM

Originally posted by sowerby
ascending to the fifth dimension

There is no "THE" fifth dimension. And after reading the excerpts it seems clear that this person is either mentally imbalanced, an attention seeker, has some books to sell, or maybe all three. It's a fun story though. I suppose.

posted on Dec, 18 2009 @ 01:05 PM
Yeah, I'm not feeling it. It was hard for me to keep interest w/ all the 'clean up her karma' stuff, but I really lost interest when 'the republicans won ('94) and most of the light workers lost faith' part. funny how they also measure time like us peons on earth as well. Nope, won't be getting that read. Thanks just the same, anyhow.

posted on Dec, 18 2009 @ 01:05 PM
Oh, she's not selling anything. And maybe she is insane, I wouldn't know. I just found it to be interesting and I've seen some of the same terms and names thrown around in different threads, so I thought I might direct people to this interview because I figured they might find it interesting. The point of this thread isn't to debate - merely to share.

I'm not claiming to be an expert on any of the topics mentioned in the interview, nor do I claim to believe what this woman is talking about. But I found it fun and fascinating and rather uplifting and optimistic in comparison to most of the other threads I've been reading. Not that those other threads aren't important -- the truth of reality can be tough. (Though I know it is far better than being ignorant.) Therefore, I find it good practice to read some of the more "out there" stuff as well, because so far, I've enjoyed the spirit and good intentions that these types of people have. I support meditation and personal growth and helping others, which is what the woman in the interview seems to highly encourage. I guess I just feel pretty comfortable with the weirdos - they make me happy.

posted on Dec, 18 2009 @ 01:39 PM
I always enjoy these threads.

Whether it's legit or not, doesnt matter. It's the lessons you can take away from it. Just like the bible.

posted on Dec, 18 2009 @ 04:04 PM

Originally posted by InertiaZero
I always enjoy these threads.

Whether it's legit or not, doesnt matter. It's the lessons you can take away from it. Just like the bible.

Precisely! You can learn a lot from almost anything or any situation if you're open to it, I think. And even if this story is totally bogus, it certainly does stir the imagination.

posted on Dec, 18 2009 @ 04:15 PM
I read up on this stuff alot.
Theres actually not a whole lot of info, if you search for it on the net.

I think the "hidden_hand" user, here on ATS, was one of the best interviews Ive seen on the subject. Mostly, because he rarely made any contradictions.

If you havent read it, type the user name in your search bar.

"Illuminator13" also had a decent thread. He continued to answer my questions even when I ridiculed him. His answers were similar to the hidden_hand thread.

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