posted on Dec, 18 2009 @ 03:28 AM
Fascinating post! one that i still look into to this day.. im 34. when i was akid my older ssiter was like 7 at the time, i was 4. shed often be heard
in her room, laughing andgiggling out loud,a nd my mom would often come in and say "who are yuo talking to? playing with"? My sister would alsways
answer, thiers an elf that lives under her bed. This went on for may occassions. One day, my older sister came down stairs crying,a nd had a red mark
on her arm. My mom asked her, what happened, she said the elf pinche her hard, and ran back under her bed. To this day, its a vague almost ofrgotten
memory to her, but its wierd, ya know?
I had my own imaignination up too about the age of 11. playing and talking like someone was really thier in my room. The wierd thing is, when i
was 13, i had played with an ouija board, with a friend. the board, had told us it was jeusu, god, satan, virgin mary, then siad it was a 9 year old
boy. I told my mom what the board said, and she asked me where did i learn that? i told her the board told me. turns out, around 1964, a 9 year old
boy hung himself right next door to me! house across the street.
Could be my ssiter and i were playig with the boys spirit? my neighborhood has had 3 hangings* over the decaes,w hich is weird too..2 houses down
form me, a guy hung himslef around 1985, i was 11 then. wede always go to his backyard firework show on 4th of july. he had depression. A few houses
down, even as kid, my mom used to tell me, an older guy hung himslef on top floor. Every july 3rd, i think it is, some claim to have seen his ghost
reinact it out.. i never saw it, looking at the window. the house has been totaly renovated 2 times over since.
fascinating post star n flg*