posted on Dec, 17 2009 @ 01:03 PM
I was watching the Barney Frank vs. Ron Paul videos and saw a clip on North Korea. I wondered if North Korea has an official website, so I googled it;
about the 10th link was the official The website includes their perspect of the
Juche Idea. It also
includes their History, Society, Geography,
Tourism which I thought was comical.
But the best part is the biographies of their great and glorious leaders Comrade Kim Il Sung and Comrade Kim Jung Il.
Kim Il Sung
This is the 2000+ page biography of Comrade Kim Il Sung
Kim Jung Il
Also the 160 page bio of Comrad Kim Jung Il
After just glimpsing through these. They seem a reincarnation of Lenin/Stalin Soviet Propoganda. I do think Lenin was a good man unlike Stalin. But
these two individuals with their mind warping propoganda are just freakin crazy and lout of their minds.
I thought this was intersting. Take a look at the ideology, politics, and the bios, they're freaking nutso.