One Crop, One Species, One Death
I was very surprised to find an article like this in the MSM. I'm sure this subject has been talked about hundreds of times on ATS. But I'd like to
discuss the implications of something as simple as this...
Monsanto Has Stranglehold On
I have not done any major research into this company (probably because I’m sick enough as is), but it seems like the company is creating a monopoly
off of food products (or at least soy & corn). The article states 95% of the soybeans and 80% of the corn grown in the U.S. has Monsanto’s
genetically modified genes in it. Then goes on stating the price is going to go up and up making other products do the same.
First off I thought it was illegal to have a monopoly in America, could someone enlighten me as to the "loopholes" of this.
OK so back about 10 years ago (who knows maybe more) when all these "Genetically Modified Organisms" products really hit the shelves. The excuse
behind there modifications were things like this 'It allows the plant to grow in areas it could normally not' or 'It makes the plant more resistant
to disease and weather change' or 'we will be able to produce enough food to supply the world, in effect ending world hunger'.
In my opinion all they did was made it accessible to patent food, in turn flushing the market of non-GMO natural food. This same mentality is also
creating "the next generation of fuels" (which in actuality has been around since the use of fossil fuels).
So an implication of this.... What happens when a disease DOES in fact wipe out this genetically modified species... A great corn famine. Yes we can
re-grow other species of corn, but not to the scale that is needed, thus starving millions of people and animals (cows, chickens, etc..).
Another implication... Ever heard the saying "you are what you eat" well what happens to the human genes and our DNA within the next generations?
Nothing? O could the manipulated genes of the corn evolve (due to viral gene parts added to corn gene) into something horrific? A self induced plague
for plants spreading to like species?
Damn.... I hate when I start going into left field....
So reading the happenings of the last 20 years, the PTB seem to be manipulating our environment from all sides. Whether it is to air (chem trails,
pollution), space (upper atmosphere testing, pollution), water (do you really need an example), our living spaces (asbestos and Chinese drywall , and
food (GMO, Pesticides). And what do all these things have in common...
80% of the population HAS to have these (cause they cannot afford better)
Well guess I should work now...
being at work and all...
Edit = Spellcheck
[edit on 16-12-2009 by FORMe2p00p0n]