Always be suspicious when you only see one or two examples of something like that.
If there was a giant pyramid UFO seen over Red Square, don't you think a few hundred tourists would have reported something too? Tourists with video
and still cameras?
Yet, remarkably, there's one video clip of this supposed event.
It's BS IMO.
As for the spiral, I've yet to find a reason why the missile explanation is not likely.
People keep saying it's a cover up, but where is the evidence to back that up?
The fact is, there is more evidence and reason to suggest that this was simply a missile launch gone wrong, than any evidence to the contrary.
A nation like Russia isn't going to be quick to admit that they had a fault with a weapon. That's why they denied knowledge. The senior officer
probably hadn't reported it up the chain either through fear of being reprimanded or it was simply delay due to red tape.
If it wasn't a missile fault, why would Russia then say that they had a problem? Wouldn't you, as a leader, deny deny deny? You wouldn't accept
global embarassment for a faulty rocket if you were certain it wasn't your fault.
But, as always on these boards, people will see what they want to see. They'll believe the most unusual story, make unfounded and unreasonable claims
to support it, often suggesting that the very facts that make a story real or not are manipulated for their purpose. A double bluff, a triple bluff, a
quadrouple bluff, and still no evidence to support their belief.
It's almost a religion to these people, no amount of common sense and evidence will tell them it didn't happen the way they believe.