posted on Feb, 6 2010 @ 09:45 PM
Wow, ""whereismyfather." I hate to say it, but you are way off with this Tiger Woods "MKU" business. As a longtime member of "MKU"(the
government/illuminati program which has brainwashed countless political figures and celebrities), I can tell you that Woods is DEFINITELY NOT one of
I mean, its nothing against Tiger. We're just not very big on golf really. We prefer women's tennis, and horse racing. We DID program Barbaro, but
that didn't work out too well. But you now what they say, nobody's perfect. I mean, we may be part of a satanic conspiracy, but even we make
However, judging by your all caps reference to "BOB HOPE" I can tell that you know that he was one of our operatives. We would appreciate it if
you kept quiet about that. We can't implement our evil plan with you blabbing about it. So please, stop , before we unleash our unholy army of
elderly comedians and racehorses to silence you, and all others who have managed to stumble on our global conspiracy merely by using the internet. We
really gotta get better at that whole secrecy thing.
[edit on 6-2-2010 by fringesanity]