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Tiger and MK Ultra ???

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posted on Dec, 15 2009 @ 03:41 PM
My take on Tiger. I have to say its like a red herring, just like MJ, or OJ or any other J, to woo us away from bigger news (COP15, psychedelic spirals in northern Europe, and like 3 wars).

When super-star-celebrities are exposed like this, it makes me think that MKU has or had some part in either or all parties involved. I thought some of the women went through MKU to expose the worlds greatest golfer.

At the age of two or three Tiger Woods was on the BOB HOPE show. His father was a Green Beret in Vietnam and got him “Drill Instructors” for golfing lessons.
Other golfers on the Tour knew of his MKU training.

And whats up with the Golf Digest magazine cover with Tiger and the President? With the release of probably the 2 most famous MKU people in the world, what are THEY telling us? Is Barry Soto, or what ever his name is, about to go down also? Notice, at the time of internet publications, that the middle finger is tapped. Look at the subliminal programming.

So how perfected is MKU? Does the programing lose its grip and the slave is no longer needed. Is this what happened to Tiger and others? Are other athletes, such as M Phelps and H Bolt, MKU students as well? It would be interesting to see if something happens to these individuals at or around the age of 33.

posted on Dec, 15 2009 @ 03:47 PM
I'm sorry, but what is MKU? I've never heard of this.

Personally, I don't see any conspiracy with Tiger. I think he just got caught with his hand in the cookie jar.

But that's just my take.

Have a great day!

posted on Dec, 15 2009 @ 03:58 PM
I dont think you have a plausable case at all here.
Tiger is a promisquious cheat
and according to his women he has been for a long time

posted on Dec, 15 2009 @ 04:12 PM
Just because you can find a string long enough to connect point A with Point B..doesn't mean it is SUPPOSED to be that way...
Needs salt.

posted on Dec, 15 2009 @ 04:32 PM
I don't know but I think it's the same case with Vanessa and Velus Williams.

they are doing what their father wanted them to do, but are they happy?

That vid made me sick, indoctrination without religion is just as possible.

posted on Dec, 15 2009 @ 04:39 PM

Originally posted by smyleegrl
I'm sorry, but what is MKU? I've never heard of this.

Personally, I don't see any conspiracy with Tiger. I think he just got caught with his hand in the cookie jar.

But that's just my take.

Have a great day!

Shorthand for MK Ultra.

Double line.

posted on Dec, 15 2009 @ 05:40 PM
None of this fancy stuff is necessary to achieve the distraction.

I agree that tiger is a distraction, all you have to do is dig up the youtube clips of bill hicks talking about Michael Jackson to see that.

But everything you mention, even the endless supply of women tiger supposedly cheated with, could have been supplied via pay outs. I honestly think this is all as simple as money paid for dirty deeds.


[edit on 15/12/09 by B.Morrison]

[edit on 15/12/09 by B.Morrison]

posted on Dec, 15 2009 @ 06:23 PM
Sorry but as a golfer your talking somewhat out .... in space

Tiger was a product of his father wants - and add the public perception - then it goes wrong.

Lets try another sport

I see no posts here about Agassi taking meth - as he freely admits in his book

Pat Cash talks about coc aine in his book

not talk of MKULTA there then

as for golfers lets try Nick Faldo - had an affair

or countless others

Golfers are known for it - no conspiracy - nothing to see

posted on Dec, 15 2009 @ 07:09 PM
reply to post by whereismyfather

I believe that the Illuminati wanted dibs on Tiger. Whenever anybody because massively wealthy, the Illuminati try to recruit them or mind control them, bribe them, whatever to get what they want out of them.

I believe that these chicks that he has had sex with are Illuminati prostitutes who were used to lure him in.

posted on Feb, 6 2010 @ 09:45 PM
Wow, ""whereismyfather." I hate to say it, but you are way off with this Tiger Woods "MKU" business. As a longtime member of "MKU"(the government/illuminati program which has brainwashed countless political figures and celebrities), I can tell you that Woods is DEFINITELY NOT one of us.

I mean, its nothing against Tiger. We're just not very big on golf really. We prefer women's tennis, and horse racing. We DID program Barbaro, but that didn't work out too well. But you now what they say, nobody's perfect. I mean, we may be part of a satanic conspiracy, but even we make mistakes.

However, judging by your all caps reference to "BOB HOPE" I can tell that you know that he was one of our operatives. We would appreciate it if you kept quiet about that. We can't implement our evil plan with you blabbing about it. So please, stop , before we unleash our unholy army of elderly comedians and racehorses to silence you, and all others who have managed to stumble on our global conspiracy merely by using the internet. We really gotta get better at that whole secrecy thing.

[edit on 6-2-2010 by fringesanity]

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